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Setting VBA Project Password

  1. #1
    Howard Kaikow

    Setting VBA Project Password

    Here's what I ended up with.
    It was a difficult birth.


  2. #2

    Re: Setting VBA Project Password


    Nice code!

    I've adapted it to work from VBA

    I ironed out a flaw that the new password is appended to an existing
    I changed the GetDlgItem/SendMessage to 1 liners SendDlgItemMessage

    When called from VBA I needed both a messagehook and timer for the
    final Buttonclick.

    Let me know if and when you read this.
    glad to get your comments... you can use this on your site if you want.

    'Concept Howard Kaikow
    'Adapted by keepITcool to run from VBA (excelXP+)

    Option Explicit

    Private Const WH_CBT As Long = 5
    Private Const HCBT_ACTIVATE As Long = 5
    Private Const GWL_HINSTANCE As Long = -6
    Private Const BM_SETCHECK As Long = &HF1&
    Private Const BM_CLICK As Long = &HF5&
    Private Const WM_SETTEXT As Long = &HC
    Private Const BST_CHECKED As Long = &H1
    Private Const TCM_FIRST As Long = &H1300
    Private Const TCM_GETCURSEL As Long = (TCM_FIRST + 11)
    Private Const TCM_SETCURFOCUS As Long = (TCM_FIRST + 48)
    Private Const EM_REPLACESEL As Long = &HC2

    Private Declare Function GetCurrentThreadId Lib "kernel32" ( _
    ) As Long

    Private Declare Function GetWindowLong Lib "user32" Alias _
    "GetWindowLongA" (ByVal hwnd As Long, _
    ByVal nIndex As Long) As Long
    Private Declare Function SetWindowsHookEx Lib "user32" _
    Alias "SetWindowsHookExA" (ByVal idHook As Long, _
    ByVal lpfn As Long, ByVal hmod As Long, _
    ByVal dwThreadId As Long) As Long
    Private Declare Function UnhookWindowsHookEx Lib "user32" ( _
    ByVal hHook As Long) As Long
    Private Declare Function FindWindowEx Lib "user32.dll" _
    Alias "FindWindowExA" (ByVal hWnd1 As Long, _
    ByVal hWnd2 As Long, ByVal lpsz1 As String, _
    ByVal lpsz2 As String) As Long
    Private Declare Function GetDlgItem Lib "user32.dll" ( _
    ByVal hDlg As Long, ByVal nIDDlgItem As Long) As Long
    Private Declare Function SendDlgItemMessage Lib _
    "user32.dll" Alias "SendDlgItemMessageA" ( _
    ByVal hDlg As Long, ByVal nIDDlgItem As Long, _
    ByVal wMsg As Long, ByVal wParam As Long, _
    ByRef lParam As Any) As Long

    Private Declare Function SetTimer Lib "user32" ( _
    ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal nIDEvent As Long, _
    ByVal uElapse As Long, ByVal lpTimerFunc As Long) As Long
    Private Declare Function KillTimer Lib "user32" ( _
    ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal nIDEvent As Long) As Long

    Private Declare Function GetDesktopWindow Lib "user32.dll" ( _
    ) As Long
    Private Declare Function LockWindowUpdate Lib "user32.dll" ( _
    ByVal hwndLock As Long) As Long

    Const IDtimedOK = &H998877 'UniqueID for the timer
    'controlID's for the various dialog controls
    Const IDBTN = &H1&, IDTAB = &H3020&, IDPW1 = &H1555&, _
    IDPW2 = &H1556&, IDCHK = &H1557&

    Private hWndHook As Long 'Handle of "Hooked" WindowProcedure
    Private hWndDlg As Long 'Handle of the Dialog's Window
    Private sPassword As String

    Sub aTest()
    sPassword = InputBox("VBA Password")
    Debug.Print ThisWorkbook.Name, _
    ThisWorkbook.VBProject.Name, sPassword

    'Set the hook to catch the dialog
    hWndHook = SetWindowsHookEx(WH_CBT, _
    AddressOf ProcVBADialog, GetWindowLong(Application.hwnd, _
    GWL_HINSTANCE), GetCurrentThreadId())
    'Show the dialog
    'Doevents to give your hook time to do its stuff
    End Sub

    Public Function ProcVBADialog(ByVal lMsg As Long, _
    ByVal wParam As Long, ByVal lParam As Long) As Long
    Static bFlag As Boolean

    If Not bFlag And lMsg = HCBT_ACTIVATE And wParam <> _
    Application.hwnd And wParam <> _
    Application.VBE.mainwindow.hwnd Then
    bFlag = True
    hWndDlg = wParam
    Call SetVBAPW
    UnhookWindowsHookEx hWndHook
    bFlag = False
    End If
    ProcVBADialog = False
    End Function

    Public Sub SetVBAPW(Optional Dummy&)

    Dim hTabFrame&, lRet&
    On Error GoTo errH
    If hWndDlg = 0 Then Err.Raise 1

    'Get the tabcontrol index
    lRet = SendDlgItemMessage(hWndDlg, IDTAB, TCM_GETCURSEL, 0&, 0&)
    If lRet = -1 Then
    Err.Raise 2
    ElseIf lRet = 0 Then
    'Change to 1
    SendDlgItemMessage hWndDlg, IDTAB, TCM_SETCURFOCUS, 1&, 0&
    End If
    'Get the first child (dialog of 2nd tab)
    hTabFrame = FindWindowEx(hWndDlg, 0&, vbNullString, vbNullString)

    If hTabFrame = 0 Then Err.Raise 2
    'Check we have the correct frame
    lRet = GetDlgItem(hTabFrame, IDCHK)
    If lRet = 0 Then Err.Raise 3

    SendDlgItemMessage hTabFrame, IDCHK, BM_SETCHECK, BST_CHECKED, 0&
    'Clear the text
    SendDlgItemMessage hTabFrame, IDPW1, WM_SETTEXT, 0&, ByVal
    SendDlgItemMessage hTabFrame, IDPW2, WM_SETTEXT, 0&, ByVal
    'Replace used otherwise it wont 'catch'
    SendDlgItemMessage hTabFrame, IDPW1, EM_REPLACESEL, -1&, ByVal
    sPassword & vbNullChar
    SendDlgItemMessage hTabFrame, IDPW2, EM_REPLACESEL, -1&, ByVal
    sPassword & vbNullChar

    'The dialog must be fully activated, then we can click the OK..
    'the delay is achieved by using the timer
    LockWindowUpdate GetDesktopWindow
    SetTimer hWndDlg, IDtimedOK, 100, AddressOf SetVBAOK

    Exit Sub
    UnhookWindowsHookEx hWndHook
    Debug.Print "ERRORS", Err.Number; Hex(hWndDlg), Hex(hTabFrame)

    End Sub

    Public Sub SetVBAOK(Optional Dummy&)
    KillTimer hWndDlg, IDtimedOK
    'the 2nd tab must have focus when the OK is clicked
    SendDlgItemMessage hWndDlg, IDTAB, TCM_SETCURFOCUS, 1&, 0&
    SendDlgItemMessage hWndDlg, IDBTN, BM_CLICK, 0&, 0&
    LockWindowUpdate 0&
    End Sub

    | www.XLsupport.com | keepITcool chello nl | amsterdam

    Howard Kaikow wrote :

    > Here's what I ended up with.
    > It was a difficult birth.
    > http://www.standards.com/index.html?...rojectPassword

  3. #3
    Howard Kaikow

    Re: Setting VBA Project Password

    "keepITcool" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    > Howard..
    > Nice code!
    > I've adapted it to work from VBA
    > I ironed out a flaw that the new password is appended to an existing
    > password.

    That was not a flaw. It was intentional.
    I'm creatomg NEW projects, not modifying old projects.

  4. #4

    Re: Setting VBA Project Password

    in your scenario of creating a new workbook it's not a problem.
    in other scenarios it could be.. hence flaw not bug <G>

    as you have discovered using wm_settext doesn't work properly.
    and a replacesel is needed for the PW to be saved correctly.
    (i use settext to clear the edit box)

    how do you like the syntax ? SendDlgItemMessage iso
    GetDlgItem / SendMessage imo makes the code more straightforward.

    you indicated that porting it from VB6 to VBA would be a cinch
    hmm... i know i needed the hook but found i needed
    the timer for the final click.

    thanks for pointing me to that nifty little property called ID
    never realized its potential for hacking into dialogs

    re Spy++
    have you ever tried WinSpector Spy? I think it's got a "few" advantages
    over Spy++ http://www.windows-spy.com/
    (check out the windows class watch ..)

    | www.XLsupport.com | keepITcool chello nl | amsterdam

    Howard Kaikow wrote :

    > "keepITcool" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    > news:[email protected]...
    > > Howard..
    > >
    > > Nice code!
    > >
    > > I've adapted it to work from VBA
    > >
    > > I ironed out a flaw that the new password is appended to an existing
    > > password.

    > That was not a flaw. It was intentional.
    > I'm creatomg NEW projects, not modifying old projects.

  5. #5
    Howard Kaikow

    Re: Setting VBA Project Password

    "keepITcool" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    > agreed..
    > in your scenario of creating a new workbook it's not a problem.
    > in other scenarios it could be.. hence flaw not bug <G>

    It is only a flaw if it was dome unintentionally.

    In other forums I describe the purposes of my task.

    I have developed a VB 6 EXE to totally create a Word template from scratch,
    including setting a password, reference, etc. There is no option for the
    user to set the password, the password is set by the code and the use is not
    informed of the password.

    There are other issue to increase the security, e.g., running the code
    without displaying the dialog. I won't discuss those as they affect

    Note that it is only necessary to display the dialog momentarily to get the
    handle, after that the dialog need not be visible.

    Of course, the setting of a VBA password in code is almost a pointless
    exercise, as it is all too easy to bypass the password.

    The challenge was to do the deed without using SendKeys, as those techniques
    can be applied at other times in useful scenarios. The biggest obstacle was
    MSFT's poor documentation.

    It's been a while since I moved the code to VBA, as I have no intention of
    using such code other than in VB 6.
    I did not need a hook or a timer.

    My recollection is that if you take the code exactly as I wrote it, the code
    should work in each Office app with no change other than specifying the path
    to which to write the file.

    Also, I am creating a new project, not applying a password to an extant

    I've spent so much time on this issue recently, I do not really want to
    discuss the topic further.

    > re Spy++
    > have you ever tried WinSpector Spy? I think it's got a "few" advantages
    > over Spy++ http://www.windows-spy.com/
    > (check out the windows class watch ..)

    Never tried it.

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