We are experimenting a consistant difference in real time behavior between
Excel 2003 behaviour and Excel 2000 behaviour in front of the Group

Using the exact same Excel file that have around 1000 lines with several
level of grouping, the time needed to group under level 1 or 2 is around 2
to 3 seconds with Excel 2000 while it is around 25 to 30 seconds with Excel
2003. In both case the same function is quite immediat if we settle the
calculation mode to manual...

The same phenomenon can be seen if you ask for the group function on a file
without any formulas while another big excel file with a lot of formulas is
open at the same time but not active...

Is there something different than the calculation mode that should be
settled in Excel 2003 in order to get the same response time on group
function than in Excel 200? Any other information, experience about that
problem? Is it link to a different behavior of excel in front of calculation

Thanks for your help