I need to create a auto sum macro where it will not just auto sum the numbers but also put the sum symbol for me as following.

100 © ∑©= 2100.00
200 ©
300 ©
400 ©
500 ©
600 ©

Basically, what I am trying to do is when I select the range of my numbers to be summed, i will first have a pop up window asking me "what number sequency would you like to start". Then, from there I can enter "c". Like above, it should put the "c" in circle around my selections. If I put 1 for the number sequency, then it will have "1" in circle instead of "c".

Secondly, it will then have another pop up window and ask me "where is your destination cell?". From there, I will just click on the cell I would like the sum total to be located. After all that, I should have the result with "∑©= 2100.00" at my selected cell.

Can anyone help me with this?
Thank you