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Can macros/functions interrupt formulas?

  1. #1
    Registered User
    Join Date

    Can macros/functions interrupt formulas?

    In column A is 20 cells set aside for user input. Column B contains LOOKUP formulas and returns text based on Column A.

    I had a string of commentText functions for A1:A20 that if the once the user entered a value (whole number 1-17) they were prompted for a text comment via a inputBox that was recorded in A140:A160 by =commenttext(A1), etc.

    I've figured out the functions didn't work like I wanted, so I deleted them and the =commenttext() in A140:A160.

    Now...when I go to enter a number into cells A1:A20, the LOOKUP function in column B does not execute until I Save, or Print.


  2. #2
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Well, if Calculation is set to Manual it can...

    Figured out my own problem. Thanks.

  3. #3
    Jim Thomlinson

    RE: Can macros/functions interrupt formulas?

    Check your calculation setting (Tools -> Options -> Calculations Tab
    ->Automatic). If your code toggled that setting Application.Calculation =
    xlManual and the code ended prematurelly then that would describe why it only
    recalcs on save. Any time your code toggles an application setting it is a
    good idea to use an errorhandler to reset the setting in the event of a

    Jim Thomlinson

    "BigDave" wrote:

    > In column A is 20 cells set aside for user input. Column B contains
    > LOOKUP formulas and returns text based on Column A.
    > I had a string of commentText functions for A1:A20 that if the once the
    > user entered a value (whole number 1-17) they were prompted for a text
    > comment via a inputBox that was recorded in A140:A160 by
    > =commenttext(A1), etc.
    > I've figured out the functions didn't work like I wanted, so I deleted
    > them and the =commenttext() in A140:A160.
    > Now...when I go to enter a number into cells A1:A20, the LOOKUP
    > function in column B does not execute until I Save, or Print.
    > Ideas?
    > --
    > BigDave
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > BigDave's Profile: http://www.excelforum.com/member.php...fo&userid=7741
    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=379322

  4. #4
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Can you elaborate on the errorhandler? Newb here in search of a lesson.

    My code does set the calculation mode to manual (hence the original nature of this post) and I put the code back in to reset it.

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