
I have a workbook with a lot of data and a lot of code into which I make
release updates. Therefore, I often need to copy 'n paste the data from the
old workbook into the sheets of the new release.

When I have a workbook named wb1.xls and into that file links between
sheets, the links become links still pointing at that named wb1.xls when I
paste the data into a new woorkbook named wb2.xls.

If a link in the old wb1.xls was "=Sheet2!A1" it will become
"=[wb1.xls]Sheet2!A1" in the new wb2.xls file, when I pasted the data into
the new release. I still need to have the link to be "=Sheet2!A1".

Please tell me how I with a macro into all sheets can search, find and
eliminate these links and continue to link to the Sheet1 into the same

/Kind regards