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Concatenate VBA results and an * in a cell

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  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Question Concatenate VBA results and an * in a cell


    I would like to concatenate the results of copying a cell and adding an * to left of the number value, in the same cell.

    For example, it would look like Range("B1").Value = "*" + Range("A1").Value .
    But it does not work. For sure, trying to mathematically sum a String and a number isn't a good idea in the form I've just written. So I imagine I would have to convert the number into String. How, I'd like too know. But then, if I want to use again the value in B1 (so removing the * in VBA and do maths with those numbers), how could I reverse this process?



  2. #2
    Registered User
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    Hi Werner

    Instead of Range("B1").Value = "*" + Range("A1").Value . Try Range("A1") = Range("B1").Value & Range("A1").Value . (where Range("B1").Value = "*"). The & is the equivalent to Concatenate in VBA.

    to Remove Later the "*" Use

    Size = Len(Range("A1").Text) - 1        ' The Len function returns the lenght of the string minus 1 to eliminate the *
    Range("A1") = Right(Range("A1").Value, Size ) 'The right function returns the SIZE characters FROM the right of the string.
    or  in one line:  Range("A1") = Right(Range("A1").Value, Len(Range("A1").Text) - 1)
    Check in the Help for a detailed explaination of the Right and Len Functions

    Hope this helps you


    Jose Luis

    Quote Originally Posted by Werner

    I would like to concatenate the results of copying a cell and adding an * to left of the number value, in the same cell.

    For example, it would look like Range("B1").Value = "*" + Range("A1").Value .
    But it does not work. For sure, trying to mathematically sum a String and a number isn't a good idea in the form I've just written. So I imagine I would have to convert the number into String. How, I'd like too know. But then, if I want to use again the value in B1 (so removing the * in VBA and do maths with those numbers), how could I reverse this process?



  3. #3
    Registered User
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    Thank you Jose Luis for your code. I understand Len and Right correctly with the comments you added in your code. It will help me a lot.

    I have another question in mind. If I want to add in my vba code an If condition that search to know if there's a * just to the left of my number, how could I do that. I imagine it must be something like If Range("B1").Value = "*" & *(something that say there's a number (not a specific one)) Then.

    Have a good day!

    Last edited by Werner; 06-29-2005 at 09:34 AM.

  4. #4
    Registered User
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    Hi Werner, Thanks by your feedback.

    In order to find if there is a * in the string use

    if Left(Range("B1").value,1) = "*" then
    your code for number with "*"
    your code for number without "*"
    End if

    The Left function does the same as Right but from the other side .

    Hope this helps,


    Jose Luis

    Quote Originally Posted by Werner
    Thank you Jose Luis for your code. I understand Len and Right correctly with the comments you added in your code. It will help me a lot.

    I have another question in mind. If I want to add in my vba code an If condition that search to know if there's a * just to the left of my number, how could I do that. I imagine it must be something like If Range("B1").Value = "*" & *(something that say there's a number (not a specific one)) Then.

    Have a good day!


  5. #5
    Registered User
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    Thanks again Jose, it helped a lot. It was precisely what I wanted to know. I fully understand the way Left and Right functions work now

    Have a good day!


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