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click data point in chart and delete

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  1. #1

    click data point in chart and delete

    does anyone hava a routine for clicking a data point in a chart and
    deleting this point either from the series or from the worksheet it's
    being referenced from?



  2. #2
    Greg Wilson

    RE: click data point in chart and delete

    I don't have such a routine. At this point, it doesn't look like anyone else
    has either. My thoughts on the subject follow.

    Simple approach:

    If you're unaware, you might want to consider Excel's existing point
    manipulation feature:
    i) Click on any point in the series to select the series.
    ii) Then click the desired point to select it. The mouse pointer should
    change into either a four-way or up-down arrow if done correctly.
    iii) Drag the point to the desired value. You can't to my knowledge delete
    it however. But you can drag it so that it's in line with the preceeding and
    following points in the series thus nullifying its affect on trendlines etc.

    The above assumes that the points in the series are simple values as opposed
    to formula results. In the latter case, you will likely need a routine to
    copy the formula results (as values) to the plot range so that the chart
    links only to these values.

    Complex approach:

    If the above "Simple approach" is not acceptable then I think you would be
    looking at creating a Class module and, using the Mouse_Down event and
    GetChartElement function, determining the point clicked on, and have code
    take it from there.

    I think my approach would be to have three ranges:
    1) The first holds the x-values
    2) The second holds all the original y-values
    3) The third holds the plotted y-vlaues.

    At the start, the second and third ranges would both contain all the y-data.
    When you click on the desired point, GetChartElement returns the selected
    series index value (arg. a) and the selected point index value (arg. b). Code
    would then clear the y-value from the third range corresponding with the
    selected point using the index value as an offset. After deleting all the
    desired points (clearing the cells in the third range) you could have a reset
    function that repopulates the third range using the second as the source.

    However, this should be OK so long as there arn't too many points involved.
    If there are several, and if you change your mind or accidently click the
    wrong point, then resetting and starting from scratch might be unacceptable.

    An alternate approach would be to actually have two series: The first series
    plots all the points (i.e. the above 2nd range). This series would not plot a
    line, just point markers. In contrast, the second series would not plot point
    markers but instead would plot the line.

    When you click on a point marker from the first series, the point marker
    would toggle from a filled condition (indicating a plotted state) to a
    non-filled condition (indicating an unplotted state). GetChartElement would
    then identify the offset for the clicked point and either clear or repopulate
    the cell from the third (plotted) range depending on whether the clicked
    point marker was filled or non-filled.

    Most likely, within 2 nonoseconds or so, someone will follow my post with a
    fully working routine perfect for your needs.

    Best regards,

    You can drag it so that it's in line with the preceeding and following
    points therefore nullifying its affect.

    "[email protected]" wrote:

    > does anyone hava a routine for clicking a data point in a chart and
    > deleting this point either from the series or from the worksheet it's
    > being referenced from?
    > thanks.
    > smokii

  3. #3
    Greg Wilson

    RE: click data point in chart and delete

    If you're still interested (and monitoring this post), then I put together a
    macro that demos what I discussed. It creates 3 dynamic named ranges plus a
    demo chart with two series. The first series displays only point markers (no
    line) while the second series displays only a line plot (no point markers).
    It allows you to click on points to toggle their exclusion/inclusion from the
    line plot.

    If a point marker from the first series is filled
    (MarkerBackgroundColorIndex > 0) then clicking on it clears its fill
    (MarkerBackgroundColorIndex = xlNone) and deletes the associated y-value from
    the line plot. If the point marker is not filled then clicking it reinstates
    the fill and the associated y-value is added to the line plot.

    You have to hold down the <Alt> button while clicking for it to work. Else,
    it's a huge nuissance. The macro is designed to work with an embedded chart
    but can be rigged to work with a chart sheet.


  4. #4

    Re: click data point in chart and delete

    I'd be very abliged. Tahnks for your input.

  5. #5

    Re: click data point in chart and delete

    I'd be very abliged. Thanks for your input.

  6. #6
    Greg Wilson

    Re: click data point in chart and delete

    For the record, this is just a demo that accomplishes what I had suggested as
    a means to toggle deletion/inclusion of points from an XYScatter plot. It is
    here offered as requested by [email protected].


    1) The demo is based on an XYScatter plot. The data must consist of three
    i) The left column holds the x-values
    ii) The middle column holds the y-values
    iii) The right column holds duplicate y-values
    2) Select the cell at the top-left corner of the data range (first x-value)
    before running the macro.
    3) Create a Class module and paste the following code. It is assumed that it
    is named Class1.

    Option Explicit
    Public WithEvents EmbedChart As Excel.Chart
    Private Sub EmbedChart_MouseDown(ByVal Button As Long, _
    ByVal Shift As Long, ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long)
    Dim ID As Long, a As Long, b As Long
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    If GetKeyState(VK_ALT) >= 0 Then Exit Sub
    With Me.EmbedChart
    .GetChartElement x, y, ID, a, b
    If b = 0 Then Exit Sub
    With .SeriesCollection(2).Points(b)
    Select Case .MarkerBackgroundColorIndex
    Case Is > 0
    .MarkerBackgroundColorIndex = xlNone
    Case Else
    .MarkerBackgroundColorIndex = 3
    Range("YPlotRng")(b) = Range("YRng")(b)
    End Select
    End With
    End With
    End Sub

    4) Paste the following code to a standard module.
    5) Run the macro.
    6) The linkage between the chart and the Class1 class will have to be reset
    each time the workbook is opened (i.e. rerun SetMyChart macro).

    The macro will create the chart and provide a siimple instructions message.
    Note that this is just a demo and will not likely be suitable for your
    situation as is. Your situation may only require one plotted series and a
    simple Reset button if there are only a few points to delete.


    Option Explicit
    Public Declare Function GetKeyState Lib "user32" _
    (ByVal NVirtKey As Long) As Integer
    Public Const VK_ALT As Integer = &H12
    Dim MyChart As New Class1

    Sub SetMyChart()
    Set MyChart.EmbedChart = ActiveSheet.ChartObjects _
    ("Toggle Point Deletion Test").Chart
    End Sub
    Sub TogglePointInclusionDemo()
    Dim ws As Worksheet, wb As Workbook
    Dim chtobj As ChartObject
    Dim cht As Chart
    Dim s As Series
    Dim txt As String
    Dim c As Range
    Dim Resp As Integer
    Dim W As Single, H As Single

    txt = "Set-up Instructions:" & vbCr & vbCr & _
    "The chart data range must consist of three columns constructed " & _
    "as follows:" & _
    vbCr & "i) The first column must contain the x-values" & _
    vbCr & "ii) The second column must contain the y-values" & _
    vbCr & "iii) The third column must contain duplicate y-values" & _
    vbCr & vbCr & "Before running the macro, the top-left cell of " & _
    "the data range (first x-value) must be selected. If it is not " & _
    "the currently active cell then click Cancel, select the cell and " & _
    "run the macro again."
    Resp = MsgBox(txt, vbInformation + vbOKCancel, "Chart Set-up")
    If Resp = vbCancel Then Exit Sub

    Set ws = ActiveSheet
    Set wb = ActiveWorkbook
    On Error Resume Next
    ws.ChartObjects("Toggle Point Deletion Test").Delete
    Set c = ActiveCell
    txt = "=Offset(" & ws.Name & "!" & c.Address & _
    ", 0, 0, Count(" & c.EntireColumn.Address & "), 1)"
    With ThisWorkbook.Names
    .Add "XRng", RefersTo:=txt
    txt = "=Offset(XRng, 0, 1)"
    .Add "YRng", RefersTo:=txt
    txt = "=Offset(XRng, 0, 2)"
    .Add "YPlotRng", RefersTo:=txt
    End With
    On Error GoTo 0
    W = ActiveWindow.VisibleRange.Width - 100
    H = ActiveWindow.VisibleRange.Height - 100
    Set chtobj = ws.ChartObjects.Add(50, 50, W, H)
    chtobj.Name = "Toggle Point Deletion Test"
    Set cht = chtobj.Chart
    cht.HasLegend = False
    cht.ChartType = xlXYScatter
    cht.DisplayBlanksAs = xlInterpolated
    Set s = cht.SeriesCollection.NewSeries
    s.XValues = "=" & wb.Name & "!XRng"
    s.Values = "=" & wb.Name & "!YPlotRng"
    s.MarkerStyle = xlMarkerStyleNone
    s.Border.Color = vbBlue
    Set s = cht.SeriesCollection.NewSeries
    s.XValues = "=" & wb.Name & "!XRng"
    s.Values = "=" & wb.Name & "!YRng"
    s.MarkerStyle = xlMarkerStyleSquare
    s.MarkerSize = 6
    s.MarkerBackgroundColorIndex = 3
    s.MarkerForegroundColorIndex = 3
    Call SetMyChart
    txt = "Operation Instructions:" & vbCr & vbCr & _
    "1) Hold down the <Alt> key and click the desired points to toggle " & _
    "their exclusion/inclusion from the line plot." & vbCr & _
    "2) Don't click the points too quickly in succession or this will " & _
    "activate the Format Object dialog." & vbCr & _
    "3) If you accidently activate the Format Object dialog then close " & _
    "it and activate the worksheet before continuing." & vbCr & _
    "4) You need to reset the chart to the Class1 class (i.e. run SetMyChart) "
    & _
    "each time you open the workbook. Suggested is that you use the " & _
    "Workbook_Open event to accomplish this."
    MsgBox txt, vbInformation, "Chart Set-up"
    End Sub

    "[email protected]" wrote:

    > I'd be very abliged. Thanks for your input.

  7. #7
    Greg Wilson

    Re: click data point in chart and delete

    Further to my post, the macro also adds three dynamic named ranges. These
    allow it to automatically adapt to changes in both the x- and y-data ranges.
    You might want to delete these names from your project (Insert>Name>Define)

    "Greg Wilson" wrote:

    > For the record, this is just a demo that accomplishes what I had suggested as
    > a means to toggle deletion/inclusion of points from an XYScatter plot. It is
    > here offered as requested by [email protected].
    > Instructions:
    > 1) The demo is based on an XYScatter plot. The data must consist of three
    > columns:
    > i) The left column holds the x-values
    > ii) The middle column holds the y-values
    > iii) The right column holds duplicate y-values
    > 2) Select the cell at the top-left corner of the data range (first x-value)
    > before running the macro.
    > 3) Create a Class module and paste the following code. It is assumed that it
    > is named Class1.
    > Option Explicit
    > Public WithEvents EmbedChart As Excel.Chart
    > Private Sub EmbedChart_MouseDown(ByVal Button As Long, _
    > ByVal Shift As Long, ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long)
    > Dim ID As Long, a As Long, b As Long
    > Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    > If GetKeyState(VK_ALT) >= 0 Then Exit Sub
    > With Me.EmbedChart
    > .GetChartElement x, y, ID, a, b
    > If b = 0 Then Exit Sub
    > With .SeriesCollection(2).Points(b)
    > Select Case .MarkerBackgroundColorIndex
    > Case Is > 0
    > .MarkerBackgroundColorIndex = xlNone
    > Range("YPlotRng")(b).ClearContents
    > Case Else
    > .MarkerBackgroundColorIndex = 3
    > Range("YPlotRng")(b) = Range("YRng")(b)
    > End Select
    > End With
    > End With
    > Windows(ActiveWorkbook.Name).RangeSelection.Select
    > End Sub
    > 4) Paste the following code to a standard module.
    > 5) Run the macro.
    > 6) The linkage between the chart and the Class1 class will have to be reset
    > each time the workbook is opened (i.e. rerun SetMyChart macro).
    > The macro will create the chart and provide a siimple instructions message.
    > Note that this is just a demo and will not likely be suitable for your
    > situation as is. Your situation may only require one plotted series and a
    > simple Reset button if there are only a few points to delete.
    > Regards,
    > Greg
    > Option Explicit
    > Public Declare Function GetKeyState Lib "user32" _
    > (ByVal NVirtKey As Long) As Integer
    > Public Const VK_ALT As Integer = &H12
    > Dim MyChart As New Class1
    > Sub SetMyChart()
    > Set MyChart.EmbedChart = ActiveSheet.ChartObjects _
    > ("Toggle Point Deletion Test").Chart
    > End Sub
    > Sub TogglePointInclusionDemo()
    > Dim ws As Worksheet, wb As Workbook
    > Dim chtobj As ChartObject
    > Dim cht As Chart
    > Dim s As Series
    > Dim txt As String
    > Dim c As Range
    > Dim Resp As Integer
    > Dim W As Single, H As Single
    > txt = "Set-up Instructions:" & vbCr & vbCr & _
    > "The chart data range must consist of three columns constructed " & _
    > "as follows:" & _
    > vbCr & "i) The first column must contain the x-values" & _
    > vbCr & "ii) The second column must contain the y-values" & _
    > vbCr & "iii) The third column must contain duplicate y-values" & _
    > vbCr & vbCr & "Before running the macro, the top-left cell of " & _
    > "the data range (first x-value) must be selected. If it is not " & _
    > "the currently active cell then click Cancel, select the cell and " & _
    > "run the macro again."
    > Resp = MsgBox(txt, vbInformation + vbOKCancel, "Chart Set-up")
    > If Resp = vbCancel Then Exit Sub
    > Set ws = ActiveSheet
    > Set wb = ActiveWorkbook
    > On Error Resume Next
    > ws.ChartObjects("Toggle Point Deletion Test").Delete
    > Set c = ActiveCell
    > txt = "=Offset(" & ws.Name & "!" & c.Address & _
    > ", 0, 0, Count(" & c.EntireColumn.Address & "), 1)"
    > With ThisWorkbook.Names
    > .Add "XRng", RefersTo:=txt
    > txt = "=Offset(XRng, 0, 1)"
    > .Add "YRng", RefersTo:=txt
    > txt = "=Offset(XRng, 0, 2)"
    > .Add "YPlotRng", RefersTo:=txt
    > End With
    > On Error GoTo 0
    > W = ActiveWindow.VisibleRange.Width - 100
    > H = ActiveWindow.VisibleRange.Height - 100
    > Set chtobj = ws.ChartObjects.Add(50, 50, W, H)
    > chtobj.Name = "Toggle Point Deletion Test"
    > Set cht = chtobj.Chart
    > cht.HasLegend = False
    > cht.ChartType = xlXYScatter
    > cht.DisplayBlanksAs = xlInterpolated
    > Set s = cht.SeriesCollection.NewSeries
    > s.XValues = "=" & wb.Name & "!XRng"
    > s.Values = "=" & wb.Name & "!YPlotRng"
    > s.MarkerStyle = xlMarkerStyleNone
    > s.Border.Color = vbBlue
    > Set s = cht.SeriesCollection.NewSeries
    > s.XValues = "=" & wb.Name & "!XRng"
    > s.Values = "=" & wb.Name & "!YRng"
    > s.MarkerStyle = xlMarkerStyleSquare
    > s.MarkerSize = 6
    > s.MarkerBackgroundColorIndex = 3
    > s.MarkerForegroundColorIndex = 3
    > Call SetMyChart
    > c.Select
    > txt = "Operation Instructions:" & vbCr & vbCr & _
    > "1) Hold down the <Alt> key and click the desired points to toggle " & _
    > "their exclusion/inclusion from the line plot." & vbCr & _
    > "2) Don't click the points too quickly in succession or this will " & _
    > "activate the Format Object dialog." & vbCr & _
    > "3) If you accidently activate the Format Object dialog then close " & _
    > "it and activate the worksheet before continuing." & vbCr & _
    > "4) You need to reset the chart to the Class1 class (i.e. run SetMyChart) "
    > & _
    > "each time you open the workbook. Suggested is that you use the " & _
    > "Workbook_Open event to accomplish this."
    > MsgBox txt, vbInformation, "Chart Set-up"
    > End Sub
    > "[email protected]" wrote:
    > > I'd be very abliged. Thanks for your input.
    > >
    > >

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