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Demonstrating mouse clicks with Macro

  1. #1

    Demonstrating mouse clicks with Macro

    Hi All,

    Wondering how one would go about recording a macros that, when replayed, all
    the mouse clicks and movements, the choosing of menu items, data entered in
    cells would be seen.... Hoping to use it as an instructional tool


  2. #2

    Re: Demonstrating mouse clicks with Macro

    I use Macro Scheduler for this kind of thing, see

  3. #3

    RE: Demonstrating mouse clicks with Macro

    Thanks... went to the website -- looks interesting. My question is whether /
    how I can record a demo, embed it into the workbook so the end user can
    "click to run", without them being required to have the software as well.....


    "JEFF" wrote:

    > Hi All,
    > Wondering how one would go about recording a macros that, when replayed, all
    > the mouse clicks and movements, the choosing of menu items, data entered in
    > cells would be seen.... Hoping to use it as an instructional tool
    > TIA!

  4. #4

    Re: Demonstrating mouse clicks with Macro

    Well, if you buy the professional (i.e. expensive) version of Macro
    Scheduler, you can create a .exe, so your user doesn't have to have the
    software. The Macro Scheduler macro can start up Excel, open a
    workbook and demonstrate some operations, but you can't actually embed
    the macro into the workbook.

    On the other hand, perhaps you can use Excel VBA. Have a look at the
    VBA help on the SendKeys statement, as you might guess, this will send
    keystrokes to Excel (or other apps for that matter). As far as I'm
    aware, you can't send mouse movements and events, but most of Excel
    probably has keyboard shortcuts anyway, so perhaps this is the answer.

  5. #5
    Vic Eldridge

    RE: Demonstrating mouse clicks with Macro

    Hi Jeff,

    There's a number of programs out there that will record what's happening on
    your screen to an AVI file or MPEG or whatever. I can't recall the names of
    any but they do exist.

    Once you have the movie recorded, you can use the Shell function in your VBA
    code to play the movie file. This would of course mean you'd have to
    distribute the movie file along with your XLS or XLA.

    If you need something more dynamic then the following thread may give you
    some ideas.


    Vic Eldridge

    "JEFF" wrote:

    > Thanks... went to the website -- looks interesting. My question is whether /
    > how I can record a demo, embed it into the workbook so the end user can
    > "click to run", without them being required to have the software as well.....
    > Thanks.
    > "JEFF" wrote:
    > > Hi All,
    > >
    > > Wondering how one would go about recording a macros that, when replayed, all
    > > the mouse clicks and movements, the choosing of menu items, data entered in
    > > cells would be seen.... Hoping to use it as an instructional tool
    > >
    > > TIA!

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