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Workbook Change

  1. #1

    Workbook Change

    Is there anyway to do the following.

    I have 2 sheets


    Most of the time I am in Sheet1

    However Sheet1 is dependent on Sheet2

    In column J on Sheet2 it can say

    1. wait for purchase order
    2. reschedule too many
    3. blank(nothing)

    What I want the workbook change to do is if any cell in column j on Sheet2 = wait for purchase order then have a msgbox pop up

    If any cell in column j on Sheet2 = reschedule too many, then another msg box to pop up with different caption.

    If blank, nothing.

    Is there anyway that once it warns you for a specific cell, that you can cancel the warning. My problem is that the msg box keeps popping up, even though it already warned you once.

    Thanks for any help


  2. #2
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Hi Josh,

    There goes and idea (if i understood what you're trying to acomplish).

    Just put a Boolean switch in your code to detect when the codition is met (first initialize the Switch, lets say Sw=false, then inside the if , that i suposse your are using to detetct the conditions, turn the Sw to false) Remember that you have to implement an if above the if's your are using to check the conditons.

    if not Sw then
    if conditon1 =true then
    ....your code
    end if
    End if ' from Sw

    Hope this gives you a hint

    Regards Jose Luis


    Quote Originally Posted by jhahes
    Is there anyway to do the following.

    I have 2 sheets


    Most of the time I am in Sheet1

    However Sheet1 is dependent on Sheet2

    In column J on Sheet2 it can say

    1. wait for purchase order
    2. reschedule too many
    3. blank(nothing)

    What I want the workbook change to do is if any cell in column j on Sheet2 = wait for purchase order then have a msgbox pop up

    If any cell in column j on Sheet2 = reschedule too many, then another msg box to pop up with different caption.

    If blank, nothing.

    Is there anyway that once it warns you for a specific cell, that you can cancel the warning. My problem is that the msg box keeps popping up, even though it already warned you once.

    Thanks for any help


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