I'm having issues capturing an error and using it to direct the code. Here is the code I'm trying to execute:

Public Sub sheetCheck()
cNodes = ThisWorkbook.Names("Nodes").RefersToRange.Rows.Count
For i = 1 To cNodes
On Error GoTo NewSheet
isThere = True
sheetName = sheetBase & i
Sheets(sheetName).Visible = False
check: If Not isThere Then Sheets("Scoring Sheet 0 (2)").Name = sheetName
Next i
Exit Sub
NewSheet: Scoring_0.Copy after:=Scoring_0
isThere = False
GoTo check
End Sub

Nodes refers to a list of nodes for this system. The sheets are named Scoring x, where x would be replaced by i in the loop. The code will execute perfectly through one error, but if I have more than one non-existent sheet, it fails.
