
I have a pivot table with the following layout:
[Count of results]
[Status] [Result]
P F Grand Total
A 10 3 13
B 15 8 23
C 5 4 9
Grand Total 30 15 45

A1 = [Count of results]

i am using the GetPivotData function to retrieve the grand totals but i can
retrieve the row grand totals (13, 23, 9) and not the column grand totals
(30, 15, 45).
Here is what i tried:
=GETPIVOTDATA(A1, "A") --> 13
=GETPIVOTDATA(A1, "Result") --> 45

I have tried using cell references but it doesn't make any difference.
I read many different how-tos about this function but the only solution i
found assumed the presence of column sub-totals.

What am i doing wrong? Help is appreciated

Thanks in advance