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Pbl calculating US$ values

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  1. #1

    Pbl calculating US$ values

    Hi all,

    ' Premises:
    ' Column 5 / Row 3 contains the Starting Budget in US Dollars - The only
    Static value
    ' Column 6 / Row 3 is the Starting Budget in $US converted to UK Pounds
    ' Column 4 = D => Order Value
    ' Column 5 = E => Remaining Budget Amount in US Dollars
    ' Column 6 = F => Remaining Budget Amount in UK Pounds

    Here is the problem. When I enter a value preceded by a £ (UK pounds) sign
    in Col 4
    then Cols 5 & 6 (US $ & UK £) respectively calculate as expected

    If I enter a value preceded by a $ sign, I get #VALUE errors.

    Below is the complete Sub so you should be able
    to reproduce the problem relatively easily
    using the Premises above.
    - E5 = $50.000.00 for example and this is the only static value, then
    - F5 = E5 * 1.65 - arbitratry value used to convert to UK pounds =
    £30,303.03 - OK so far.

    From there, if:
    D6 = £1000 then E6 = $48.350.00 and F6 = £29,303.03
    But if I try:
    D6 = $1000 then E6 & F6 = #VALUE

    I don't understand why.
    Incidentally Col E is Formatted as currency US($) & Col F as UK(£)

    I'll appreciate your help, thank you.

    Private Sub Workbook_SheetSelectionChange(ByVal Sh As Object, ByVal Target
    As Range)
    ' Negative values are not permitted
    ' in Order Value (Dn) where n = ActiveRow number
    ' or in the Starting Budget(E3)

    ' Detect the Active Row Number
    Dim actRow As Integer
    actRow = ActiveCell.Row

    If Sh.Name = "Sheet1" Then

    ' Set the value in UK Pounds in Column F from
    ' the value in the previous column which is in US Dollars

    ' Value must be greater than 0, no negative value permitted

    If Cells(3, 5).Value > 0 Then ' Row 3, Column 5 (E) = Budget in
    US Dollars
    ' (The only Static value)

    ' Row 3 Column 6(F).value = Row 3, Column 5(E).value / 1.65
    ' Convert the US Budget into UK Pounds
    Range("F3").Formula = "=$E$3 / 1.65"

    ElseIf Cells(3, 5).Value <= 0 Then

    MsgBox "Sorry 0 or negative values are not permitted" _
    & Chr(13) _
    & "Please enter a value greater than 0." _
    , vbExclamation + vbOKOnly, "Value Check"
    Cells(3, 5).Activate
    Exit Sub

    End If

    ' Cell in ActiveRow/Column 4(D).value > 0
    ' - Do not permit negative value

    If Cells(actRow, 4).Value > 0 Then

    Cells(actRow, 4).NumberFormat = "@" ' Text

    ' If no currency sign was used
    ' pre-pend the value entered with a £ sign
    If Left(Cells(actRow, 4).Value, 1) Like "[0-9]" Then _
    Cells(actRow, 4).Value = "£" & Cells(actRow,

    ' And change the currency style accordingly
    If Left(Cells(actRow, 4).Value, 1) = "£" Then

    Cells(actRow, 4).NumberFormat = "[$£-809]#,##0.00"

    ElseIf Left(Cells(actRow, 4).Value, 1) = "$" Then

    Cells(actRow, 4).NumberFormat = "[$$-409]#,##0.00"

    End If

    Else ' Value is negative, but we ignore blanks...

    If Trim(Cells(actRow, 4).Value) <> "" And Cells(actRow, 4).Value
    < 0 Then

    MsgBox "Sorry 0 or negative values are not permitted" _
    & Chr(13) _
    & "Please enter a value greater than 0." _
    , vbExclamation + vbOKOnly, "Value Check"
    Cells(actRow, 4).Activate
    Exit Sub

    End If
    End If

    ' The Problem is here, somewhere
    ' As long as the value entered in D+currentRow
    ' is preceded by a UK Pound (£) sign
    ' the calculations take place ok
    ' However
    ' Entering value preceded by a US Dollar ($) sign causes an error
    ' and both cells in column F & E display a #VALUE error
    ' Cant imagine why
    ' Column 4 = D => Order Value
    ' Column 5 = E => Remaining Budget Amount in US Dollars
    ' Column 6 = F => Remaining Budget Amount in UK Pounds

    If Left(Cells(actRow, 4).Value, 1) = "£" Then

    Range("E" & actRow).Formula = _
    "=$E$" & (actRow - 1) & " - ($D$" & actRow & " *

    Range("F" & actRow).Formula = _
    "=$F$" & (actRow - 1) & " - $D$" & actRow

    ElseIf Left(Cells(actRow, 4).Value, 1) = "$" Then

    Range("E" & actRow).Formula = _
    "=$E$" & (actRow - 1) & " - $D$" & actRow

    Range("F" & actRow).Formula = _
    "=$F$" & (actRow - 1) & " - ($D$" & actRow & " /
    End If

    'Cells(actRow, 4).Activate

    End If ' If Sh.Name = "Sheet1"

    'Application.StatusBar = "actRow: " & actRow

    End Sub

  2. #2

    Re: Pbl calculating US$ values

    Philippe Oget, c'est un nom français, écris en français, joualvert.

    "Joseph" <[email protected]> a écrit dans le message de
    news:OFo%[email protected]...
    > Hi all,
    > ' Premises:
    > '
    > ' Column 5 / Row 3 contains the Starting Budget in US Dollars - The

    > Static value
    > ' Column 6 / Row 3 is the Starting Budget in $US converted to UK

    > ' Column 4 = D => Order Value
    > ' Column 5 = E => Remaining Budget Amount in US Dollars
    > ' Column 6 = F => Remaining Budget Amount in UK Pounds
    > Here is the problem. When I enter a value preceded by a £ (UK pounds)

    > in Col 4
    > then Cols 5 & 6 (US $ & UK £) respectively calculate as expected
    > If I enter a value preceded by a $ sign, I get #VALUE errors.
    > Below is the complete Sub so you should be able
    > to reproduce the problem relatively easily
    > using the Premises above.
    > - E5 = $50.000.00 for example and this is the only static value, then
    > - F5 = E5 * 1.65 - arbitratry value used to convert to UK pounds =
    > £30,303.03 - OK so far.
    > From there, if:
    > D6 = £1000 then E6 = $48.350.00 and F6 = £29,303.03
    > But if I try:
    > D6 = $1000 then E6 & F6 = #VALUE
    > I don't understand why.
    > Incidentally Col E is Formatted as currency US($) & Col F as UK(£)
    > I'll appreciate your help, thank you.
    > Private Sub Workbook_SheetSelectionChange(ByVal Sh As Object, ByVal Target
    > As Range)
    > ' Negative values are not permitted
    > ' in Order Value (Dn) where n = ActiveRow number
    > ' or in the Starting Budget(E3)
    > '
    > ' Detect the Active Row Number
    > Dim actRow As Integer
    > actRow = ActiveCell.Row
    > If Sh.Name = "Sheet1" Then
    > ' Set the value in UK Pounds in Column F from
    > ' the value in the previous column which is in US Dollars
    > ' Value must be greater than 0, no negative value permitted
    > If Cells(3, 5).Value > 0 Then ' Row 3, Column 5 (E) = Budget

    > US Dollars
    > ' (The only Static value)
    > ' Row 3 Column 6(F).value = Row 3, Column 5(E).value / 1.65
    > ' Convert the US Budget into UK Pounds
    > Range("F3").Formula = "=$E$3 / 1.65"
    > ElseIf Cells(3, 5).Value <= 0 Then
    > MsgBox "Sorry 0 or negative values are not permitted" _
    > & Chr(13) _
    > & "Please enter a value greater than 0." _
    > , vbExclamation + vbOKOnly, "Value Check"
    > Cells(3, 5).Activate
    > Exit Sub
    > End If
    > ' Cell in ActiveRow/Column 4(D).value > 0
    > ' - Do not permit negative value
    > If Cells(actRow, 4).Value > 0 Then
    > Cells(actRow, 4).NumberFormat = "@" ' Text
    > ' If no currency sign was used
    > ' pre-pend the value entered with a £ sign
    > If Left(Cells(actRow, 4).Value, 1) Like "[0-9]" Then _
    > Cells(actRow, 4).Value = "£" & Cells(actRow,
    > 4).Value
    > ' And change the currency style accordingly
    > If Left(Cells(actRow, 4).Value, 1) = "£" Then
    > Cells(actRow, 4).NumberFormat = "[$£-809]#,##0.00"
    > ElseIf Left(Cells(actRow, 4).Value, 1) = "$" Then
    > Cells(actRow, 4).NumberFormat = "[$$-409]#,##0.00"
    > End If
    > Else ' Value is negative, but we ignore blanks...
    > If Trim(Cells(actRow, 4).Value) <> "" And Cells(actRow,

    > < 0 Then
    > MsgBox "Sorry 0 or negative values are not permitted"

    > & Chr(13) _
    > & "Please enter a value greater than 0." _
    > , vbExclamation + vbOKOnly, "Value Check"
    > Cells(actRow, 4).Activate
    > Exit Sub
    > End If
    > End If
    > '*******************************************************
    > '
    > ' The Problem is here, somewhere
    > '
    > ' As long as the value entered in D+currentRow
    > ' is preceded by a UK Pound (£) sign
    > ' the calculations take place ok
    > '
    > ' However
    > '
    > ' Entering value preceded by a US Dollar ($) sign causes an error
    > ' and both cells in column F & E display a #VALUE error
    > ' Cant imagine why
    > '
    > '*******************************************************
    > ' Column 4 = D => Order Value
    > ' Column 5 = E => Remaining Budget Amount in US Dollars
    > ' Column 6 = F => Remaining Budget Amount in UK Pounds
    > If Left(Cells(actRow, 4).Value, 1) = "£" Then
    > Range("E" & actRow).Formula = _
    > "=$E$" & (actRow - 1) & " - ($D$" & actRow & "

    > 1.65)"
    > Range("F" & actRow).Formula = _
    > "=$F$" & (actRow - 1) & " - $D$" & actRow
    > ElseIf Left(Cells(actRow, 4).Value, 1) = "$" Then
    > Range("E" & actRow).Formula = _
    > "=$E$" & (actRow - 1) & " - $D$" & actRow
    > Range("F" & actRow).Formula = _
    > "=$F$" & (actRow - 1) & " - ($D$" & actRow & "

    > 1.65)"
    > End If
    > 'Cells(actRow, 4).Activate
    > End If ' If Sh.Name = "Sheet1"
    > 'Application.StatusBar = "actRow: " & actRow
    > End Sub

  3. #3

    Re: Pbl calculating US$ values

    Bonjour et merci de ta reponse.

    ' Enonce du probleme:
    ' Column 5 / Row 3 contient le Budget de depart en US Dollars - La
    seule valeur statique de la feuille.
    ' Column 6 / Row 3 contient le Budget de depart convertie en Livres
    ' Column 4 = D => Valeur d'une depense
    ' Column 5 = E => le Budget de depart en US Dollars - la Valeur
    d'une depense
    ' Column 6 = F => meme chose mais en livre anglaise

    Le probleme. Lorsque j'entre une valeur precedee du symbole £ (UK
    pounds) sign dans la colonne 4, alors les Colonnes 5 & 6 (US $ & UK £)
    montre les resultats correctes.

    Par contre si la valeur entree dans la colonne 4 est precedee du $ sign,
    les colonnes 5 et 6 affichent une erreur: #VALUE.

    Ci-dessous se trouve la procedure entiere
    - E5 = $50.000.00 par example et la seule valeur statique.
    - F5 = E5 * 1.65 - une valeur arbitraire pour convertir les $ en £ UK
    pounds = £30,303.03 - Resultat expecte - ok.

    Ensuite, si:
    D6 = £1000 alors E6 = $48.350.00 et F6 = £29,303.03
    MAIS si j'essaie avec des dollars:
    D6 = $1000 alors les 2 colonnes E6 & F6 affichent l'erreur:= #VALUE

    Je ne comoprends pas pourquoi
    Col E est Formatee en champ monetaire US($) & Col F en UK(£)




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