Hey folks, I need a little help.

First and foremost, does Excel VBA support recursive functions/subs? (IE: can I call a sub from within the same sub?)

Second. Does VBA have a way to browse through file directories? I have a file Hierarchy, and what I would love is for Excel to start at the top and for every .xls file it finds, put it in a list in the spreadsheet calling the 'search' macro. It should return the path of the file name. Since these spreadsheets are nested within directories, which are within directories, which are within directories, etc...

In reality, I need a sub that starts in the directory where the file calling/initiating the sub is saved in. From there, it looks for (other) .xls files, if it doesn't find any, it will look in the first directory it sees. From that directory, it will look for a .xls file, if it finds one, it needs to return the path to that .xls file and add it to the next available spot on sheet2 of the initiating file. From there it will search the next directory for excel files or directories and keep going. Until all directories have been searched and all 'excel' files have been reported for.

I don't entirely know if this makes any sense. I hope it does. It seemed like it would be more difficult to explain, which leads me to think I am missing something big.

Anyways this seems like it would be easier if I could 'chat' to someone about this live over AIM or whatnot (because I may have other questions as i am going). I don't suppose any excel experts have some sort of chat handle/program that they can use while going about their business (I don't want to be an inconvenience). If you don't want to give it out publicly, please e-mail me with details ([email protected]). Thanks in advanced.

I would appreciate any assistance or ideas with the issues above as well (on these forums). Thanks again!