Can anyone tell me how to find out what version of Excel and file was created
in? I have a routine which inserts sheets into workbooks. However it fails
on files that were used extensively in Excel 97. I want to put an error
handler in that checks to see if the file in question was created/used in
Excel 97.

I am assuming that checking the version that it is currently in will not be
efficient as a file created in Excel 97 will likely have been saved as more
current versions. I know Tom Ogilvy has stated in an ealier post that you
can look at the sheet names in the project window of the VBE to get a clue.

For example, Sheet 16 in this file is named "Sheet16111111". Tom had stated
that this was a clue. And if fact it is, you cannot insert sheets in this
workbook via VBA.
