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Identifying and separating groups of data.

  1. #1

    Identifying and separating groups of data.

    Hi all,

    I have eight data-sets (between 8,000-10,000 records each) that were
    very clearly not setup by anyone who cared that people might one day
    actually want to use the data.

    The basic format is (at least with a fixed-width font):

    Row Level Code Description
    --- ----- ---- --------------
    1 1 A001 Group_01
    2 2 0570 Subgroup_01
    3 3 0001 Widget_01
    4 3 0002 Widget_02
    5 3 0003 Widget_03
    6 2 0598 Subgroup_01
    7 3 0782 Subsubgroup_01
    8 4 0001 Widget_11
    9 4 0002 Widget_12
    10 5 0001 Subwidget_121
    11 5 0002 Subwidget_122
    12 3 6387 Subsubgroup_02
    13 3 0598 Subsubgroup_03
    14 4 0001 Widget_01
    15 4 0002 Widget_02
    16 4 0003 Widget_03
    17 2 0323 Subgroup_02

    I hope this rather generic data-set captures what I'm trying to
    demonstrate. Basically, the level and code fields are the key. The
    data-set is hierarchical, but the data-tables don't make analysis easy.
    The level indicates branches of a tree, similar to a file system
    directory structure. Just imagine that it's machines, systems,
    subsystems, and parts rather than drives, folders, sub-folders, and

    I have a list of codes that are considered critical. Unfortunately,
    it's not a simple vlookup or index-match, but rather extracting all the
    sub-records (identified by the level field) if I find a record with a
    code that matches up to a code on my list.

    To demonstrate using the data above, say codes 0782 and 0598 are on my
    list of critical codes. For 0782, I need to extract or flag rows 7
    through 11. For 0598, I need to extract of flag rows 13 through 16.

    Furthermore, the data is such that the codes are not always unique and
    are not always found on the same level. For instance, the group of
    parts identified by 0782 could be at level 3 as in the example above,
    but at level 5 elsewhere in the data. The sub-parts could also be
    different even though they are both identified as 0782.

    It gets further complicated in that the code isn't always a code, in
    the example above, the 0001+ codes just indicate a sequence of parts,
    their part numbers are identified by another field in the record.

    Ideally, I'd like to make two modifications to the data. Initially, if
    I find a record that has a critical code, I'd like to add an "x" to a
    check field at the end of the record. Secondly, I'd like to separate
    the group by inserting a row above and below the identified group.

    The process, as I envision it, goes something like this:

    Starting from record (row) 1, search the code field for a code that
    matches my critical codes list (contained in another Excel file, only
    about 140 records). When a record is identified, insert a row above
    the record, place an "x" in the check field at the end of the record
    and continue placing an "x" in the check field for all subsequent
    records as long as the level (number) is greater than the level of the
    record with the matching code. Once a record with an equal or lower
    (numbered) level is found, insert a row to block off the chunk of data
    and continue the process throughout the data-set.

    I'm very much at a loss. I've been out of the country traveling for
    fun for the past seven months and I've been away from Excel for almost
    a year. I know there's a way to do this, it's just not coming to me.
    Can anyone offer any assistance, it would be greatly appreciated.



  2. #2

    RE: Identifying and separating groups of data.

    Here's some starter code - not very sophisticated but hopefully
    it will help you on your way. In the code you need to change the value of
    "Lastcol" to suit your data- the "X" is placed here.

    In your note you say for code 0598 flag rows 13 to 16; what about 0598 in
    row 6?

    Or was this a typo?


    Option Explicit

    Sub test()
    ' add code to loop through your list of codes
    Call FilterGroups("0728")
    End Sub

    Sub FilterGroups(srchCode)

    Dim lastrow As Long, r As Long, mc, n As Long, i As Integer
    Dim Lastcol As Integer, blevel As Integer, inc As Integer
    Dim srchRng As Range, c, firstaddress As String
    Dim bCode As String
    Dim strRows() As Long

    lastrow = Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
    Set srchRng = Worksheets("sheet1").Range("B2:B" & lastrow)
    n = 0

    ' Search for all occurences of srchCode and store row numbers
    With srchRng
    Set c = .Find(srchCode, LookIn:=xlValues)
    If Not c Is Nothing Then
    firstaddress = c.Address
    n = n + 1
    ReDim Preserve strRows(n)
    strRows(n) = c.Row
    Set c = .FindNext(c)
    Loop While Not c Is Nothing And c.Address <> firstaddress
    End If
    End With
    ' Nothing found .....
    If n = 0 Then
    MsgBox "No occurences of code " & srchCode & " found"
    Exit Sub
    End If

    Lastcol = 6 ' <======= Change to your requirement
    inc = 0
    ' for each occurence of "srchCode" insert a blank line, mark rows with "X"
    in "Lastcol"
    ' and insert blank line at end of each group
    For i = 1 To n
    r = strRows(i) + inc
    Selection.Insert Shift:=xlDown ' Insert blank row

    r = r + 1
    Cells(r, Lastcol) = "X"
    blevel = Cells(r, 1) ' Store level of "SrchCode"

    r = r + 1
    Do While Cells(r, 1) > blevel ' Add "X" if level > than level of
    Cells(r, Lastcol) = "X"
    r = r + 1

    Selection.Insert Shift:=xlDown ' insert blank row
    inc = inc + 2 ' Allow for inserted pairs of blank lines

    End Sub

    "Matt" wrote:

    > Hi all,
    > I have eight data-sets (between 8,000-10,000 records each) that were
    > very clearly not setup by anyone who cared that people might one day
    > actually want to use the data.
    > The basic format is (at least with a fixed-width font):
    > Row Level Code Description
    > --- ----- ---- --------------
    > 1 1 A001 Group_01
    > 2 2 0570 Subgroup_01
    > 3 3 0001 Widget_01
    > 4 3 0002 Widget_02
    > 5 3 0003 Widget_03
    > 6 2 0598 Subgroup_01
    > 7 3 0782 Subsubgroup_01
    > 8 4 0001 Widget_11
    > 9 4 0002 Widget_12
    > 10 5 0001 Subwidget_121
    > 11 5 0002 Subwidget_122
    > 12 3 6387 Subsubgroup_02
    > 13 3 0598 Subsubgroup_03
    > 14 4 0001 Widget_01
    > 15 4 0002 Widget_02
    > 16 4 0003 Widget_03
    > 17 2 0323 Subgroup_02
    > I hope this rather generic data-set captures what I'm trying to
    > demonstrate. Basically, the level and code fields are the key. The
    > data-set is hierarchical, but the data-tables don't make analysis easy.
    > The level indicates branches of a tree, similar to a file system
    > directory structure. Just imagine that it's machines, systems,
    > subsystems, and parts rather than drives, folders, sub-folders, and
    > files.
    > I have a list of codes that are considered critical. Unfortunately,
    > it's not a simple vlookup or index-match, but rather extracting all the
    > sub-records (identified by the level field) if I find a record with a
    > code that matches up to a code on my list.
    > To demonstrate using the data above, say codes 0782 and 0598 are on my
    > list of critical codes. For 0782, I need to extract or flag rows 7
    > through 11. For 0598, I need to extract of flag rows 13 through 16.
    > Furthermore, the data is such that the codes are not always unique and
    > are not always found on the same level. For instance, the group of
    > parts identified by 0782 could be at level 3 as in the example above,
    > but at level 5 elsewhere in the data. The sub-parts could also be
    > different even though they are both identified as 0782.
    > It gets further complicated in that the code isn't always a code, in
    > the example above, the 0001+ codes just indicate a sequence of parts,
    > their part numbers are identified by another field in the record.
    > Ideally, I'd like to make two modifications to the data. Initially, if
    > I find a record that has a critical code, I'd like to add an "x" to a
    > check field at the end of the record. Secondly, I'd like to separate
    > the group by inserting a row above and below the identified group.
    > The process, as I envision it, goes something like this:
    > Starting from record (row) 1, search the code field for a code that
    > matches my critical codes list (contained in another Excel file, only
    > about 140 records). When a record is identified, insert a row above
    > the record, place an "x" in the check field at the end of the record
    > and continue placing an "x" in the check field for all subsequent
    > records as long as the level (number) is greater than the level of the
    > record with the matching code. Once a record with an equal or lower
    > (numbered) level is found, insert a row to block off the chunk of data
    > and continue the process throughout the data-set.
    > I'm very much at a loss. I've been out of the country traveling for
    > fun for the past seven months and I've been away from Excel for almost
    > a year. I know there's a way to do this, it's just not coming to me.
    > Can anyone offer any assistance, it would be greatly appreciated.
    > Cheers,
    > Matt

  3. #3

    Re: Identifying and separating groups of data.

    Thanks! I'll give this a shot. And the code in row 6 was a typo, I
    was just putting random numbers in to "make" a set of data since the
    actual data is covered by an NDA. I'm sure I'll be back with
    questions, my VB is pretty rusty.

    Thanks again,


  4. #4

    Re: Identifying and separating groups of data.

    Hi all,

    Here we go again. Thanks to Toppers, I now have working code that is
    starting to do what I want it to do. I've modified the code to the
    following, changing the way it works a bit (I removed the code that
    inserted spaces above and below the data, realizing it was doing more
    harm than good for my purposes) and also formatting it so it was easier
    for me to understand:

    Option Explicit

    Sub Test()
    'Need code to loop through critical list.
    Call FilterGroups("1234")
    End Sub

    Sub FilterGroups(SearchCode)

    Dim LastRow As Long 'Last row of dataset
    Dim SearchRange As Range 'Search range
    Dim n As Long 'Current loop step
    Dim c '
    Dim FirstAddress As String '
    Dim StoreRows() As Long '
    Dim Check As Integer 'Check column
    Dim i As Integer 'Incremental for retrieving stored rows
    Dim r As Integer 'Current row
    Dim bLevel As Integer 'Level of found code

    LastRow = Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row 'Find and set last

    Set SearchRange = Worksheets("Raw Data").Range("B2:B" & LastRow)
    'Set search range

    n = 0 'Set n variable to zero

    'Search for all occurences of SearchCode and store row numbers
    With SearchRange
    Set c = .Find(SearchCode, LookIn:=xlValues)
    If Not c Is Nothing Then
    FirstAddress = c.Address
    n = n + 1
    ReDim Preserve StoreRows(n)
    StoreRows(n) = c.Row
    Set c = .FindNext(c)
    Loop While Not c Is Nothing And c.Address <> FirstAddress
    End If
    End With

    If n = 0 Then 'Exit routine if search code was not found
    MsgBox "Code " & SearchCode & " could not be found"
    Exit Sub
    End If

    Check = 15 'Check column number

    'For each occurence of "SearchCode" mark rows with "x" in "Check"
    For i = 1 To n
    r = StoreRows(i)
    Cells(r, Check) = "x"
    bLevel = Cells(r, 1) 'Store level of "SearchCode"
    r = r + 1
    Do While Cells(r, 1) > bLevel 'Add "x" if level > than level of
    Cells(r, Check) = "x"
    r = r + 1

    MsgBox "Search Complete"

    End Sub

    I now need to search from list of critical values, not just a single
    value as in the code above ("1234"). Say I have a workbook titled
    "critical_codes.xls" with a tab named "critical". The critical tab
    looks something like this in column A. For aguments sake, say the
    range is A1:A100:


    I can't seem to get the macro to reference this list to get the values
    for SearchCode. The program isn't very happy with more than one value
    for SearchCode. I'm sure this is very simple and I feel like a dunce
    for even asking, but I'm at a loss.

    Any help is greatly appreciated.

    Best regards,


  5. #5
    Norman Jones

    Re: Identifying and separating groups of data.

    Hi Matt,

    Try something like:

    Sub Test()
    Dim arr As Variant
    Dim i As Long

    arr = Array("1241", "2365", "3585", "5843")

    For i = LBound(aar) To UBound(arr)
    Call FilterGroups(arr(i))

    End Sub


    "Matt" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    > Hi all,
    > Here we go again. Thanks to Toppers, I now have working code that is
    > starting to do what I want it to do. I've modified the code to the
    > following, changing the way it works a bit (I removed the code that
    > inserted spaces above and below the data, realizing it was doing more
    > harm than good for my purposes) and also formatting it so it was easier
    > for me to understand:
    > ========================================================================
    > Option Explicit
    > Sub Test()
    > 'Need code to loop through critical list.
    > Call FilterGroups("1234")
    > End Sub
    > Sub FilterGroups(SearchCode)
    > Dim LastRow As Long 'Last row of dataset
    > Dim SearchRange As Range 'Search range
    > Dim n As Long 'Current loop step
    > Dim c '
    > Dim FirstAddress As String '
    > Dim StoreRows() As Long '
    > Dim Check As Integer 'Check column
    > Dim i As Integer 'Incremental for retrieving stored rows
    > Dim r As Integer 'Current row
    > Dim bLevel As Integer 'Level of found code
    > LastRow = Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row 'Find and set last
    > row
    > Set SearchRange = Worksheets("Raw Data").Range("B2:B" & LastRow)
    > 'Set search range
    > n = 0 'Set n variable to zero
    > 'Search for all occurences of SearchCode and store row numbers
    > With SearchRange
    > Set c = .Find(SearchCode, LookIn:=xlValues)
    > If Not c Is Nothing Then
    > FirstAddress = c.Address
    > Do
    > n = n + 1
    > ReDim Preserve StoreRows(n)
    > StoreRows(n) = c.Row
    > Set c = .FindNext(c)
    > Loop While Not c Is Nothing And c.Address <> FirstAddress
    > End If
    > End With
    > If n = 0 Then 'Exit routine if search code was not found
    > MsgBox "Code " & SearchCode & " could not be found"
    > Exit Sub
    > End If
    > Check = 15 'Check column number
    > 'For each occurence of "SearchCode" mark rows with "x" in "Check"
    > For i = 1 To n
    > r = StoreRows(i)
    > Cells(r, Check) = "x"
    > bLevel = Cells(r, 1) 'Store level of "SearchCode"
    > r = r + 1
    > Do While Cells(r, 1) > bLevel 'Add "x" if level > than level of
    > "SearchCode"
    > Cells(r, Check) = "x"
    > r = r + 1
    > Loop
    > Next
    > MsgBox "Search Complete"
    > End Sub
    > ========================================================================
    > I now need to search from list of critical values, not just a single
    > value as in the code above ("1234"). Say I have a workbook titled
    > "critical_codes.xls" with a tab named "critical". The critical tab
    > looks something like this in column A. For aguments sake, say the
    > range is A1:A100:
    > Code
    > ----
    > 1241
    > 2365
    > ...
    > 3585
    > 5843
    > I can't seem to get the macro to reference this list to get the values
    > for SearchCode. The program isn't very happy with more than one value
    > for SearchCode. I'm sure this is very simple and I feel like a dunce
    > for even asking, but I'm at a loss.
    > Any help is greatly appreciated.
    > Best regards,
    > Matt

  6. #6
    Norman Jones

    Re: Identifying and separating groups of data.

    Hi Matt,

    Correcting, try:

    Sub Test()
    Dim arr As Variant
    Dim i As Long

    arr = Array("1241", "2365", "3585", "5843")

    For i = LBound(arr) To UBound(arr)
    Call FilterGroups(arr(i))
    Next i

    End Sub


    "Matt" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    > Hi all,
    > Here we go again. Thanks to Toppers, I now have working code that is
    > starting to do what I want it to do. I've modified the code to the
    > following, changing the way it works a bit (I removed the code that
    > inserted spaces above and below the data, realizing it was doing more
    > harm than good for my purposes) and also formatting it so it was easier
    > for me to understand:
    > ========================================================================
    > Option Explicit
    > Sub Test()
    > 'Need code to loop through critical list.
    > Call FilterGroups("1234")
    > End Sub
    > Sub FilterGroups(SearchCode)
    > Dim LastRow As Long 'Last row of dataset
    > Dim SearchRange As Range 'Search range
    > Dim n As Long 'Current loop step
    > Dim c '
    > Dim FirstAddress As String '
    > Dim StoreRows() As Long '
    > Dim Check As Integer 'Check column
    > Dim i As Integer 'Incremental for retrieving stored rows
    > Dim r As Integer 'Current row
    > Dim bLevel As Integer 'Level of found code
    > LastRow = Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row 'Find and set last
    > row
    > Set SearchRange = Worksheets("Raw Data").Range("B2:B" & LastRow)
    > 'Set search range
    > n = 0 'Set n variable to zero
    > 'Search for all occurences of SearchCode and store row numbers
    > With SearchRange
    > Set c = .Find(SearchCode, LookIn:=xlValues)
    > If Not c Is Nothing Then
    > FirstAddress = c.Address
    > Do
    > n = n + 1
    > ReDim Preserve StoreRows(n)
    > StoreRows(n) = c.Row
    > Set c = .FindNext(c)
    > Loop While Not c Is Nothing And c.Address <> FirstAddress
    > End If
    > End With
    > If n = 0 Then 'Exit routine if search code was not found
    > MsgBox "Code " & SearchCode & " could not be found"
    > Exit Sub
    > End If
    > Check = 15 'Check column number
    > 'For each occurence of "SearchCode" mark rows with "x" in "Check"
    > For i = 1 To n
    > r = StoreRows(i)
    > Cells(r, Check) = "x"
    > bLevel = Cells(r, 1) 'Store level of "SearchCode"
    > r = r + 1
    > Do While Cells(r, 1) > bLevel 'Add "x" if level > than level of
    > "SearchCode"
    > Cells(r, Check) = "x"
    > r = r + 1
    > Loop
    > Next
    > MsgBox "Search Complete"
    > End Sub
    > ========================================================================
    > I now need to search from list of critical values, not just a single
    > value as in the code above ("1234"). Say I have a workbook titled
    > "critical_codes.xls" with a tab named "critical". The critical tab
    > looks something like this in column A. For aguments sake, say the
    > range is A1:A100:
    > Code
    > ----
    > 1241
    > 2365
    > ...
    > 3585
    > 5843
    > I can't seem to get the macro to reference this list to get the values
    > for SearchCode. The program isn't very happy with more than one value
    > for SearchCode. I'm sure this is very simple and I feel like a dunce
    > for even asking, but I'm at a loss.
    > Any help is greatly appreciated.
    > Best regards,
    > Matt

  7. #7

    Re: Identifying and separating groups of data.

    Thanks Norman,

    What I really need to do is use the list of codes in the
    critical_codes.xls file. Is there a way to specfiy a particular range
    in that file as the array and then use the method you've described?
    Thanks for your help.

    Best regards,


  8. #8
    Norman Jones

    Re: Identifying and separating groups of data.

    Hi Matt,


    Sub Test2()
    Dim rng As Range
    Dim rCell As Range
    Set rng = Range("A1:A4") '<<======= CHANGE

    For Each rCell In rng
    If Not IsEmpty(rCell) Then
    Call FilterGroups(rCell.Value)
    End If
    Next rCell

    End Sub


    "Matt" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    > Thanks Norman,
    > What I really need to do is use the list of codes in the
    > critical_codes.xls file. Is there a way to specfiy a particular range
    > in that file as the array and then use the method you've described?
    > Thanks for your help.
    > Best regards,
    > Matt

  9. #9

    Re: Identifying and separating groups of data.

    Thanks Norman,

    I think I can take it from here. You've been a big help.

    - Matt

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