
I've got a simple .net application with two excel spreadsheets
(AxSpreadsheet). A change in one triggers a SheetChange event updating the
other spreadsheet. My sheetchange event handler is the following:

private void axSpreadsheet1_SheetChange(object sender,
AxMicrosoft.Office.Interop.Owc11.ISpreadsheetEventSink_SheetChangeEvent e)
if (sender == null || e == null)
foreach(Range cell in e.target)
axSpreadsheet2.Cells.get_Item(cell.Row,cell.Column).Value2 =

It works fine with simple editing of cells and copy/pasting, but when I
delete a row or a column, the method goes through all the cells in the sheet,
resulting in a freeze of the application. What's the smart way to do it? I
appreciate all your suggestions.
