I posted this msg below, but I really need an answer... I appreciate if
anyone can help me out.


Hi guys, I'm having some problems with the following code. The idea is to
upload data to an Access database (using ADO) from an Excel Sheet, but
checking first if there already exists a record with the same [order] and
[item] numbers. If it already exists should paint the row in yellow and add a
Here's the problem and the code.

PROBLEM: to try this code, I put 2 rows in the sheet with the same order and
item that do not previously exist in the database. So first row should be
uploaded and second should be painted in yellow with a comment "NOT ADDED".
It doesn't do it, it uploads both records. But, if I put in the first row
[order] [item] numbers that already exist in the dbase, it works perfectly...


Set Command = New ADODB.Command
Command.ActiveConnection = connectionString1
Set RECSET = New ADODB.Recordset

Do While Cells(iRow, 1) <> ""

sSQLdupl = "SELECT * FROM [tblBASE]"
sSQLdupl = sSQLdupl & " WHERE [ORDER] = " & Cells(iRow, 2)
sSQLdupl = sSQLdupl & " AND [ITEM] = " & Cells(iRow, 3)

Call RECSET.Open(sSQLdupl, connectionString, , ,


Cells(iRow, 1).ClearComments
Cells(iRow, 1).AddComment
Cells(iRow, 1).Comment.Visible = False
Cells(iRow, 1).Comment.Text Text:="ROW NOT ADDED"
Range(iRow & ":" & iRow).Interior.ColorIndex = 6
sSQLvalues = "INSERT INTO tblBASE " & 'all the fields I want to
" VALUES ('" & 'all the values I want to upload

Command.CommandText = sSQLvalues
Call Command.Execute(, , CommandTypeEnum.adCmdText)

End If

iRow = iRow + 1
If (RECSET.State And ObjectStateEnum.adStateOpen) Then RECSET.Close


Thanks for the help. Bregards
