Is there a property that returns whether or not the formula in a cell is an
array formula?

I can insert a formula or an array formula into a cell no problem, but
regardless of which way I insert it both the .Formula and the .FormulaArray
properties return identical strings. I would've thought that one or the
other would return empty.

The following Debug.Print statements show identical strings whether I insert
the formula string into .Formula or .FormulaArray

Range("C1").Formula = "=SUM(IF(A1:A5=1,B1:B5))"
Debug.Print Range("C1").FormulaArray
Debug.Print Range("C1").Formula

Range("C1").FormulaArray = "=SUM(IF(A1:A5=1,B1:B5))"
Debug.Print Range("C1").FormulaArray
Debug.Print Range("C1").Formula

Any ideas?