I really need an excel guru to help me with my problem.

The situation is like this:

Sheet1.ColumnB Sheet2.ColumnB Sheet2.ColumnC

Canada Canada 23
Germany Germany 45
Russia Russia 32
Japan Japan 22

User are free to change or delete/insert row(s) at Sheet1.ColumnB, and
Sheet2.ColumnB must follow whatever value in Sheet1.ColumnB, the
I have is I don't know how to make the value in Sheet2.ColumnC to keep
following the Sheet2.ColumnB.
For example, if I insert USA between Canada and Germany and delete
Japan, I want the result in Sheet2 as :

Sheet1.ColumnB Sheet2.ColumnB Sheet2.ColumnC

Canada Canada 23
Germany Germany 45
Russia Russia 32

And Sheet2.ColumnC for USA will be left as blank and user can enter the

value later and Japan is deleted.

Thank you.
Appreciate your help.