i have managed to write this which works ok for mt sheet saving as workbook:

Namer = ActiveSheet.Name
Location = "C:\Documents and Settings\myname\Desktop\Invoices"
yearly = Format(Date, "yy")
Dater = Format(Date, "mmmm")
Clienter = Range("B23").Value
detailer = Range("B32").Value

ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Location & "\" & Dater & " " & yearly & "\" & Namer &
" " & Clienter & " " & detailer

however, i need it to save in the month folder as specified on the onvoice
date but currently it is taking the month of today and searching for that
folder. Can i take the cell data , range("H14"), and format the value to
month only to get the variable to search for the month only??

thanks, Nigel