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ActiveChart.Axes(xlValue).Crosses = xlMinimum

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  1. #1
    Registered User
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    ActiveChart.Axes(xlValue).Crosses = xlMinimum

    Windows XP, Excel 2003

    OK, I have an add-in that generates a chart. I desperately want the x-axis to appear at the bottom of the chart, not somewhere in the middle as it sometimes does.
    So, I consulted my reference books/websites and found the command:

    ActiveChart.Axes(xlValue).Crosses = xlMinimum

    BUT, this command puts the x-axis at the TOP of the chart for some reason.

    Why is my chart disobeying me?!?!
    I've tried searching your forum but can't find advice on this.
    Does this happen for others? Is there a way around it?

  2. #2
    Jim Cone

    Re: ActiveChart.Axes(xlValue).Crosses = xlMinimum


    It's been awhile since I've done any of this, but the help file does say
    that the Crosses property is not available for 3D and Radar charts.

    If that is not the issue, you might try specifying the crossing point using...
    With ActiveChart.Axes(xlValue)
    .Crosses = xlCustom
    .CrossesAt = 0 ' or the appropriate value
    End With

    Also, what happens if you use xlMaximum as the Crosses value?

    Jim Cone
    San Francisco, USA

    <[email protected]>
    wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...

    Windows XP, Excel 2003
    OK, I have an add-in that generates a chart. I desperately want the
    x-axis to appear at the bottom of the chart, not somewhere in the
    middle as it sometimes does.
    So, I consulted my reference books/websites and found the command:
    ActiveChart.Axes(xlValue).Crosses = xlMinimum
    BUT, this command puts the x-axis at the TOP of the chart for some
    Why is my chart disobeying me?!?!
    I've tried searching your forum but can't find advice on this.
    Does this happen for others? Is there a way around it?

  3. #3
    Registered User
    Join Date

    Re: ActiveChart.Axes(xlValue).Crosses = xlMinimum

    This is just a regular scatter plot, log scale.

    I can't specify a crossing point because the "bottom" of the chart depends on the data entered - the scale changes as needed.

    Oh, well maybe I can by choosing the crossing point depending on the least y-value of the data set. I'll try that. I'm just miffed that I found the command to do exactly what I want to do and it won't work.

    xlMaximum was the first thing I tried - it also put the x-axis at the top of the chart.

    Thanks for the input, though. If there's not a better way I'll just write some code to find the what the "bottom" of the chart will be and then force the crossing at that point.

  4. #4
    Registered User
    Join Date

    Lightbulb Re: ActiveChart.Axes(xlValue).Crosses = xlMinimum

    For posterity's sake, here's a method that works:

    ActiveChart.Axes(xlValue).Crosses = xlCustom
    ActiveChart.Axes(xlValue).CrossesAt = ActiveChart.Axes(xlValue).MinimumScale

    On principle, I still feel cheated that I couldn't use the command specifically designed for this purpose.

  5. #5
    Jim Cone

    Re: ActiveChart.Axes(xlValue).Crosses = xlMinimum


    I did some research and found that one cure was to set the
    CrossesAt value to "some stupidly huge negative number or
    with logarithmic axes set it to a very small number"
    It's something to try.

    Jim Cone

    <[email protected]>
    wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...

    This is just a regular scatter plot, log scale.
    I can't specify a crossing point because the "bottom" of the chart
    depends on the data entered - the scale changes as needed.
    Oh, well maybe I can by choosing the crossing point depending on the
    least y-value of the data set. I'll try that. I'm just miffed that I
    found the command to do exactly what I want to do and it won't work.
    xlMaximum was the first thing I tried - it also put the x-axis at the
    top of the chart.
    Thanks for the input, though. If there's not a better way I'll just
    write some code to find the what the "bottom" of the chart will be and
    then force the crossing at that point.

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