I have 2 worksheets: 'Scores' and 'Players'. Each worksheet contains a
column (Col B) called 'ID'. I would like to copy and paste updated
totals from worksheet 'Scores' (Col E) and paste these into Col H on
'Players' worksheet but it should be done in such a way that it checks
and pastes by ID, i.e. if a player ID exists them paste, if not then
let me know. There are approx 400 players in the League.

The reason that I require this method is that new players are
occasionaly added to the database and I am trying to eliminate
potential errors when updating scores, as I am not aware of new players
until I copy and paste scores en-masse. It ends up quite messy as I
have to find the new players, add them to the League, and start all
over again. With this method it should prevent this scenario from
happening again.

I would appreciate any help or thoughts.
