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Passing Values

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  1. #1
    Registered User
    Join Date

    Passing Values

    How can you code a module to pass a value from one Private sub to a Public sub or the other way around? More to the point is once the variable has the value how do you retrieve the value?

  2. #2
    Registered User
    Join Date
    the simplest way is to define the variable as a public variable
    Then its value can be read and modified by any sub
    Ideas that work,
    Concepts that sell.

  3. #3

    RE: Passing Values

    An example:

    Private Sub start()
    Dim myVar As Integer
    myVar = 5
    Call NextBit(myVar)
    End Sub

    Sub NextBit(Var1 As Integer)
    MsgBox "Variable value is " & Var1
    'activesheet.range("A1").value = var1
    End Sub

    The sub NextBit takes a variable of integer type called Var1. When the
    Private sub runs it passes a value to NextBit which is set to the value of
    Var1. You can then retrieve this value by referencing the variable.

    Hope this helps

    "Information Hog" wrote:

    > How can you code a module to pass a value from one Private sub to a
    > Public sub or the other way around? More to the point is once the
    > variable has the value how do you retrieve the value?
    > --
    > Information Hog
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > Information Hog's Profile: http://www.excelforum.com/member.php...o&userid=21508
    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=398019

  4. #4
    Bob Phillips

    Re: Passing Values

    There are a number of ways.

    The easiest and worst IMO is to use a public variable throughout.

    Second way is to pass a variable ByRef (the default)

    Public Sub Macro1()
    Dim myVar As Long

    myVar = 5
    MsgBox myVar
    Macro2 myVar
    MsgBox myVar
    End Sub

    Public Sub Macro2(ByRef arg As Long)
    End Sub

    Another way, and my preferred option, is to use functions

    Public Sub Macro1()
    Dim myVar As Long

    myVar = 5
    MsgBox myVar
    myVar = Func1(myVar)
    MsgBox myVar
    End Sub

    Function Func1(arg As Long) As Long
    Func1 = arg * 5
    End Function



    (remove nothere from the email address if mailing direct)

    "Information Hog"
    <[email protected]> wrote in
    message news:[email protected]...
    > How can you code a module to pass a value from one Private sub to a
    > Public sub or the other way around? More to the point is once the
    > variable has the value how do you retrieve the value?
    > --
    > Information Hog
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > Information Hog's Profile:

    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=398019

  5. #5

    Re: Passing Values

    Not to be trite or anything but is sounds like you don't have a grasp
    of scope (lifetime of a variable). Any VB programming book should
    address this subject which is too lengthy for a post.

  6. #6
    Peter T

    Re: Passing Values

    Who is this addressed to. If to Bob as it appears, please explain how you
    would improve on his succinct yet complete response. Also explain in what
    way you consider Bob does not have a grasp of the scope of variables.

    Peter T

    PS Friendly advice - read Bob's response carefully before replying !

    "mike" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    > Not to be trite or anything but is sounds like you don't have a grasp
    > of scope (lifetime of a variable). Any VB programming book should
    > address this subject which is too lengthy for a post.

  7. #7

    Re: Passing Values

    Your correct, of course! I knew who the comment was address to, not Bob
    but the original poster. I should have replied to "Hog", not Bob.
    Sorry for the confusion, Bob.
    Since "Hog" seemed to indicate a lack of knowledge on simply getting a
    value from a variable, I felt the best advice was to recommend becoming
    more familiar with the basics. While Bob's response is good, "Hog" also
    needs to have an understanding of where variables should reside and


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