In an earlier post, I posted this code, which didnt' run.

Sub CtyMatch()
Dim strOrig, strOutcomes As String
Dim rCell, rTOCtyLst As Range
Dim iOrigCityNo, iEndRow As Integer

strOrig =3D ActiveSheet.Range("A2")
iOrigCityNo =3D Left(strOrig, 2)
iEndRow =3D ActiveSheet.Range.Cells(Rows.C=ADount, "B").End(xlUp).Row
Set rTOCtyLst =3D Range(.Cells(1, 1), .Cells(1, iEndRow))

I was getting an error on the Set line.
I was also told not to use integer variable type anymore, so I changed
it to long.

Sub CtyMatch()
Dim strOrig, strOutcomes As String
Dim rCell, rTOCtyLst As Range
Dim lOrigCityNo, lEndRow As Long

strOrig =3D ActiveSheet.Range("A2")
lOrigCityNo =3D Left(strOrig, 2)
lEndRow =3D ActiveSheet.Range.Cells(Rows.Count, "B").End(xlUp).Row

Now I'm getting a "wrong number of assignments or invalid property
assignment" error on the lEndRow=3D line! The only thing thats changed is
the variable type, and I was told that I didn't need to use integer any
more, just to use long. I tried changing them back to integer, but it
still gives me the error! Can anyone explain to me why code that ran
fine a week ago doesn't run at all today? Ozone layer depletion maybe?
I haven't changed the location of the code or the sheet it's supposed
to execute on.=20
Any ideas?