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Input box query

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  1. #1
    Greg B

    Input box query

    I am hoping to use a inputbox to have the user type in the 6 digit number
    each client has been assigned. I would like for the ability for excel to see
    this number and go to the corresponding sheet with this number.

    The number is place in cell "d1"

    Is this possible



  2. #2
    Registered User
    Join Date


    One way to do this is to navigate through the sheets and check cell D1 in each sheet if the value is equal to the specified number....

    Sub GotoNumber()
        Dim SixDigit As String
        Dim SheetCount As Integer
        Dim SheetIndex As Integer
        Dim QuerySheet As Worksheet
        SixDigit = InputBox("Enter 6-digit number:", "What's the number")
        SheetCount = Sheets.Count
        For SheetIndex = 1 To SheetCount
            Set QuerySheet = Worksheets(SheetIndex)
            If QuerySheet.Range("D1").Value = SixDigit Then
                Exit Sub
            End If
        Next SheetIndex
        MsgBox "Cannot find '" & SixDigit & "'.", vbInformation, "Not Found"
    End Sub

    Quote Originally Posted by Greg B
    I am hoping to use a inputbox to have the user type in the 6 digit number
    each client has been assigned. I would like for the ability for excel to see
    this number and go to the corresponding sheet with this number.

    The number is place in cell "d1"

    Is this possible



  3. #3
    Ken Johnson

    Re: Input box query

    Hi Greg,
    If you're still looking...
    if you paste this code into the ThisWorkbook Code area of the VB
    Editor, when the workbook is opened the user is asked for the 6 digit
    client number. If the number is not found in D2 on any of the
    worksheets a MsgBox asks them to try again. The user can keep getting
    it wrong for a total of four failed attempts. After that the workbook
    justs opens normally so that the user can then close the workbook.
    I hope this is useful.

    Option Explicit

    Private Sub Workbook_Open()
    Dim StrClientNum As String
    Dim ObjSht As Worksheet
    Dim BinNumberFound As Boolean
    Dim AttemptCounter As Byte
    BinNumberFound = False
    InputNumber: StrClientNum = Application.InputBox( _
    Prompt:="Please Enter Your 6 digit Client Number.", _
    Title:="Client Number?", Type:=2)
    AttemptCounter = AttemptCounter + 1
    For Each ObjSht In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
    If ObjSht.Range("D1") = StrClientNum Then
    BinNumberFound = True
    Exit For
    End If
    Next ObjSht
    If BinNumberFound = False And AttemptCounter < 4 Then
    MsgBox "Number Not Found!" & vbCrLf & "Try Again"
    GoTo InputNumber
    End If
    End Sub

    Ken Johnson

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