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worksheet looping with varying labels (aka Need to Find the John!)

  1. #1

    worksheet looping with varying labels (aka Need to Find the John!)

    Here's the problem:

    Suppose a macro creates a certain number of worksheets (which varies
    from dataset to dataset). Further suppose that text labels (in the
    tabs) are created by the macro for each worksheet (that also vary from
    workbook to workbook).

    Now, I want the macro to go through the worksheets and pick out the
    ones that have particular text.


    Macro creates 6 worksheets for this dataset:

    John - 1
    Mary -1

    I want to find the John's.

    I envision a loop where it finds the first John (John - 1) and then
    executes the appropriate actions on this worksheet. It then finds the
    second John (John-2) and executes those same actions. I can do this,
    but I can't get it to loop through the worksheets and pick these
    particular worksheets.

    Anyone have any ideas on how to find these John's

    Jeff Miller

  2. #2

    RE: worksheet looping with varying labels (aka Need to Find the John!)

    Worksheets are a collection. Use a for each loop to search through the
    worksheets in the workbook. Use an if statement if you find what you are
    looking for then perform the action necessary.

    "alphapoint05" wrote:

    > Here's the problem:
    > Suppose a macro creates a certain number of worksheets (which varies
    > from dataset to dataset). Further suppose that text labels (in the
    > tabs) are created by the macro for each worksheet (that also vary from
    > workbook to workbook).
    > Now, I want the macro to go through the worksheets and pick out the
    > ones that have particular text.
    > Example:
    > Macro creates 6 worksheets for this dataset:
    > John - 1
    > John-2
    > Mary -1
    > Mary-2
    > Fred
    > Debbie
    > I want to find the John's.
    > I envision a loop where it finds the first John (John - 1) and then
    > executes the appropriate actions on this worksheet. It then finds the
    > second John (John-2) and executes those same actions. I can do this,
    > but I can't get it to loop through the worksheets and pick these
    > particular worksheets.
    > Anyone have any ideas on how to find these John's
    > Jeff Miller

  3. #3

    Re: worksheet looping with varying labels (aka Need to Find the John!)

    Hi Jeff

    you can loop through the worksheets collection like this:

    Dim ws As Worksheet
    For Each ws In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets
    If Left(UCase(ws.Name), 4) = "JOHN" Then
    'do sheet stuff
    End If
    Next ws

    Hope this helps

    alphapoint05 wrote:
    > Here's the problem:
    > Suppose a macro creates a certain number of worksheets (which varies
    > from dataset to dataset). Further suppose that text labels (in the
    > tabs) are created by the macro for each worksheet (that also vary from
    > workbook to workbook).
    > Now, I want the macro to go through the worksheets and pick out the
    > ones that have particular text.
    > Example:
    > Macro creates 6 worksheets for this dataset:
    > John - 1
    > John-2
    > Mary -1
    > Mary-2
    > Fred
    > Debbie
    > I want to find the John's.
    > I envision a loop where it finds the first John (John - 1) and then
    > executes the appropriate actions on this worksheet. It then finds the
    > second John (John-2) and executes those same actions. I can do this,
    > but I can't get it to loop through the worksheets and pick these
    > particular worksheets.
    > Anyone have any ideas on how to find these John's
    > Jeff Miller

  4. #4

    Re: worksheet looping with varying labels (aka Need to Find the John!)

    What if I'm not looking for the entire text of the tab but just one
    word within it


  5. #5

    Re: worksheet looping with varying labels (aka Need to Find the John!)

    Thank you very much! This worked well. I had to make one change....had
    to remove UCase due to the nature of my names.

    Thanks again,

  6. #6

    Re: worksheet looping with varying labels (aka Need to Find the John!)

    Glad it helped. The UCASE is there (matched with a search for "JOHN") so
    that it does not matter how the names are entered. If you only want to
    change sheets where the name is entered with a specific case then remove
    the UCASE.


    alphapoint05 wrote:
    > Thank you very much! This worked well. I had to make one change....had
    > to remove UCase due to the nature of my names.
    > Thanks again,
    > Jeff

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