
I want to be able to hide and unhide rows by clicking a togglebutton.

So far, I managed to record 2 macro's. 1 to hide the rows and 1 to unhide the rows. I could make to button's to assign each macro to, but that would be a lot of work, since I want to add this function to several places in my worksheet.

A togglebutton would do the trick, but I do not know how to assign the 2 macro's to it. Is there any pro out there who could help me out ?

At least I think the toggle button would be in my humble opinion the best solution. The only thing is that I have to put the togglebutton somewhere outside the rows I wish to hide/unhide. If there is a better solution thinkable I am happy to hear ?

Next to this, I protect my sheets. With the 2 button's I managed to fix myself I get a 'false' error when I protect my sheet. I am not sure what I am doing wrong?