Hi, I learn how to get information from internet to excel, so the information
is refreshed every x minutes, whatI need to do is to fill from excel to
internet information.
There is an internet page (www.telcel.com) that allow users to send SMS for
free, you just need to type your mesage and the phone number and press the
send key (enviar because it's a Mexican page), what I want to do via excel is:


If cells(2,2) <400 then
'' Send the mesage in cells(5,6) to the phone number in cells(3,4)''
elseif cells(2,2)>200 and cells(2,2)<300 then
'' Send the mesage in cells(5,6) to the phone number in cells(5,4)''
'' Send the mesage in cells(5,6) to the phone number in cells(7,4)''
end if

And also I'ld like to know if I can fill the textboxes of yahoo or hotmail
via VBA-Excel

Any help will be appresiate