Hi. I have the following code:

Private Sub lstcol_DblClick(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
ICHANGE = lstcol.ListIndex + 1
With Range("checklist")
txtChange = .Cells(ICHANGE, 1)
cboDeptC.Text = .Cells(ICHANGE, 2)
End With
End Sub

I have two list boxes, namely department and employee. The department list box displays the various departments and then the employee list box is populated by the relevant employees that are assigned to the selected department.

The results then also appear in a text box (txtChange) and combobox (cboDeptC) fields so that the user can make changes to the employee and which department they work on.

For example:

Employee A, Department 1
Employee B, Department 2
Employee C, Department 3
Employee D, Department 1
Employee E, Department 2
Employee F, Department 3
Employee G, Department 1

Upon selecting Department 2, employee B and E would appear in the list...and when employee B is selected, what is shown in the textbox and combobox is the data for employee A as that is the first record on the worksheet.

How can I get it to look at the right record on the worksheet so that the data in the textbox and combobox is correct?

If it would be easier to send you a copy of the file I'm working on then please ask and I can send it through.

Many thanks in advance for your help.
