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using a range in a custom function

  1. #1
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    using a range in a custom function


    i want to feed a range into a function in VBA. lets say the range is cells(A1:B10), 20 cells conservatively. i named the range "grid".

    now i want to write a function in VBA, lets call it "Mz", and feed it "grid" as an input. so when i write the worksheetfunction "=Mz(grid)" in any cell, the workbook understands this. (i want to feed the function this range rather than have to feed it 20 individual cells).

    my question is, how do i break the range down inside the function so that i can address each of the cells individually? like perhaps into an array?

    lets say array dat1... (option base 1)

    dim dat1() as double
    redim dat1(10,2) - or - redim dat1(20,1) probably the latter here.

    or if there is a better way of breaking these down besides into an array can you please enlighten me?

    thanks for your help,

  2. #2
    Tom Ogilvy

    Re: using a range in a custom function

    Function MZ(rng as Range)
    Dim v as Variant
    v = rng.Value
    ' gives an array of 1 x n rows in the first dimension and 1 x n columns in
    the second dimension
    'or you can use
    for i = lbound(v,1) to ubound(v,1)
    for j = lbound(v,2) to ubound(v,2)

    for each cell in rng

    ' or
    for i = 1 to rng.count

    Tom Ogilvy

    "tad_wegner" <[email protected]> wrote
    in message news:[email protected]...
    > Tom-
    > i want to feed a range into a function in VBA. lets say the range is
    > cells(A1:B10), 20 cells conservatively. i named the range "grid".
    > now i want to write a function in VBA, lets call it "Mz", and feed it
    > "grid" as an input. so when i write the worksheetfunction "=Mz(grid)"
    > in any cell, the workbook understands this. (i want to feed the
    > function this range rather than have to feed it 20 individual cells).
    > my question is, how do i break the range down inside the function so
    > that i can address each of the cells individually? like perhaps into an
    > array?
    > lets say array dat1... (option base 1)
    > dim dat1() as double
    > redim dat1(10,2) - or - redim dat1(20,1) probably the latter
    > here.
    > or if there is a better way of breaking these down besides into an
    > array can you please enlighten me?
    > thanks for your help,
    > -tad
    > --
    > tad_wegner
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > tad_wegner's Profile:

    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=475079

  3. #3
    Jim Thomlinson

    RE: using a range in a custom function

    Here is a really simple example. This needs to be in a regular module in
    order to be accessible as a worksheet function

    Public Function MZ(ByVal Target As Range) As Double
    Dim rngCurrent As Range
    Dim dblReturnValue As Double

    For Each rngCurrent In Target
    dblReturnValue = dblReturnValue + rngCurrent.Value
    Next rngCurrent
    MZ = dblReturnValue
    End Function

    Jim Thomlinson

    "tad_wegner" wrote:

    > Tom-
    > i want to feed a range into a function in VBA. lets say the range is
    > cells(A1:B10), 20 cells conservatively. i named the range "grid".
    > now i want to write a function in VBA, lets call it "Mz", and feed it
    > "grid" as an input. so when i write the worksheetfunction "=Mz(grid)"
    > in any cell, the workbook understands this. (i want to feed the
    > function this range rather than have to feed it 20 individual cells).
    > my question is, how do i break the range down inside the function so
    > that i can address each of the cells individually? like perhaps into an
    > array?
    > lets say array dat1... (option base 1)
    > dim dat1() as double
    > redim dat1(10,2) - or - redim dat1(20,1) probably the latter
    > here.
    > or if there is a better way of breaking these down besides into an
    > array can you please enlighten me?
    > thanks for your help,
    > -tad
    > --
    > tad_wegner
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > tad_wegner's Profile: http://www.excelforum.com/member.php...o&userid=27770
    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=475079

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