I have two questions about gaining control of an already-running instances
of excel that was started from the Start/Programs menu, *NOT* from VBA code.

Does anyone know how to locate and close a workbook named "daily.xls" that
is open in another already existing instance of Excel that was *NOT* started
from VBA code, and thus does *NOT* have an object reference to use in the
VBA code of the instance of Excel that I am working from ?

Also, is it possible that after you have a way to reference the other
instance of Excel, that you can crate an object, and set it to the
already-open other instance of Excel to gain control of it for other actions
besides just closing it?

I know how to dim a new excel application and set it with CreateObject, but
that's *NOT* what I'm wanting to do here and just want to try to be clear on
what I'm looking for.

I know there must be a way to find the Windows handle and return a workbook
name but I haven't been able to figure it out yet....Thanks in