Hi all
I am writing a program to generate a dealing file for bridge to deal hands
using a dealing machine which physically deals the hands for tournament
bridge (.DGE format for those who might know).

I need to insert the suit symbols:
e.g spade (#170), heart(#169), diamond(#168) or club(#167) character
I have a variable (string) called HandText that I need to add a set of
characters to.
When I run the following:
HandText = HandText + Chr(170)
HandText = HandText + "A"
HandText = HandText + "6" etc.
This is the output I get
to represent the hand,

The dealing machine program gives me an an error as it seems to need the
actual spade symbol.

What do I need to do to the line
HandText = HandText + Chr(170)
to get an actual spade symbol?
Do I format the text as Symbol? If so how?

Peter Bircher