
i need a help on the following error

i am getting error in VBA excel when i am using having clause in the sql.
i used adodb.connection and adodb.recordset.

my problem is, i need to check duplicates in the oracle table.
so i used the sql statement as follows

select count(*) from table-1
having count(*) > 1
group by field-1,field-2,field-3.

and string the count in a variable.

var-1 = rs.fields(0).

when i execute that i am getting error as runtime error : 3021
and here is the description

" Either BOF or EOF is True, or the current record has been deleted.
Requested operation requires current record"

here is my code

strsql = "select name,product,product_number,begin_date,end_date from product_lisence_info" _
& " having count(*) > 1 " _
& " group by name,product,product_number,begin_date,end_date "

rs1.Open strsql, con1, adOpenKeyset

dupli = rs1.Fields(0)


