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Using Indirect in Sumproduct formula

  1. #1

    Using Indirect in Sumproduct formula

    I have the following formula which is working:
    In cells above this formula, I have labels for the weeks involved, ie 35-36,
    37-38, 39-40, and 41-42. I would like to use the value in the cell
    concantenated with the string "Wk" to be able to change the formula so that I
    can copy the formula and have it work without having to change the sheet
    names to get it to work.
    I tried the following, which is obviously incorrect as I get a #REF error.
    =SUMPRODUCT(--(INDIRECT("'Wk" & I$4 &
    Can someone help me out? Thanks.

  2. #2

    RE: Using Indirect in Sumproduct formula

    I found the problem. After looking at the post, I noticed I was using I4 for
    the cell, but my formulas were on row 6. I double checked, and sure enough,
    I needed to use I$5. Boy is my face red.

    "Kleev" wrote:

    > I have the following formula which is working:
    > =SUMPRODUCT(--('Wk41-42'!$C$6:$C$1474=$A6),--('Wk41-42'!$D$6:$D$1474<>""),--('Wk41-42'!$L$6:$L$1474<12),--('Wk41-42'!$L$6:$L$1474>=10))
    > In cells above this formula, I have labels for the weeks involved, ie 35-36,
    > 37-38, 39-40, and 41-42. I would like to use the value in the cell
    > concantenated with the string "Wk" to be able to change the formula so that I
    > can copy the formula and have it work without having to change the sheet
    > names to get it to work.
    > I tried the following, which is obviously incorrect as I get a #REF error.
    > =SUMPRODUCT(--(INDIRECT("'Wk" & I$4 &
    > "'!$C$6:$C$1474")=$A6),--('Wk41-42'!$D$6:$D$1474<>""),--('Wk41-42'!$L$6:$L$1474<12),--('Wk41-42'!$L$6:$L$1474>=10))
    > Can someone help me out? Thanks.

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