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Losing "merge-cells" formatting when populating Worksheet from VBA

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  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Question Losing "merge-cells" formatting when populating Worksheet from VBA

    I have an Access application that is programmatically populating an Excel spreadsheet via OLE (i.e. dim objXL as Excel.Application, set objXl=CreateObject("excel.application") etc etc)

    The application opens an existing xls file and then does a SaveAs so the target is saved with a name reflecting it's contents e.g. template=ApplicationTemplate.xls and the SaveAs destination is Application123456.xls meaning data for application 123456 is contained within it

    When I go to populate a cell via something like a "MyRange.Cells(a,b).Value = MyValue", the resulting spreadsheet has the value OK but if that cell happened to have the "MergeCells" property set i.e. it was merged with the 4 adjacent columns then this property has been lost and I'm back to a single cell...

    Is there a way I can programaticaly detect the merge cells properties and then restore them or alternatively can I use the clipboard and do a PasteSpecial for just the values in some way?

    Any help or advice is appreciated


  2. #2
    Dave Peterson

    Re: Losing "merge-cells" formatting when populating Worksheet from VBA

    I couldn't duplicate this in xl2003. I used this (in the same instance of

    Option Explicit
    Sub testme()
    Dim myRng As Range
    Set myRng = ActiveSheet.Range("a1")
    myRng.Resize(1, 5).Merge
    Debug.Print ActiveSheet.Range("a1").MergeArea.Address & "<--before"
    myRng.Value = "myValue"
    Debug.Print ActiveSheet.Range("a1").MergeArea.Address & "<--after"
    End Sub

    I got this back in the immediate window:

    And when I swapped back to excel A1:E1 were merged.

    But a suggestion for a workaround--keep track of the range.

    Option Explicit
    Sub testme2()

    Dim myRng As Range
    Dim mySavedRng As Range

    Set myRng = ActiveSheet.Range("a1")

    myRng.Resize(1, 5).Merge

    Set mySavedRng = myRng.MergeArea

    'even if I do it myself
    myRng.Value = "myValue"
    'reapply the merge
    End Sub

    Cardio wrote:
    > I have an Access application that is programmatically populating an
    > Excel spreadsheet via OLE (i.e. dim objXL as Excel.Application, set
    > objXl=CreateObject("excel.application") etc etc)
    > The application opens an existing xls file and then does a SaveAs so
    > the target is saved with a name reflecting it's contents e.g.
    > template=ApplicationTemplate.xls and the SaveAs destination is
    > Application123456.xls meaning data for application 123456 is contained
    > within it
    > When I go to populate a cell via something like a
    > "MyRange.Cells(a,b).Value = MyValue", the resulting spreadsheet has the
    > value OK but if that cell happened to have the "MergeCells" property set
    > i.e. it was merged with the 4 adjacent columns then this property has
    > been lost and I'm back to a single cell...
    > Is there a way I can programaticaly detect the merge cells properties
    > and then restore them or alternatively can I use the clipboard and do a
    > PasteSpecial for just the values in some way?
    > Any help or advice is appreciated
    > Cheers
    > --
    > Cardio
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > Cardio's Profile: http://www.excelforum.com/member.php...o&userid=28976
    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=487076


    Dave Peterson

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