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if cell value matches then copy another cell

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    if cell value matches then copy another cell

    Hey there,

    I was able to get some help before with a problem that consisted of checking two excel files for cell matches and placing either a "Exists" or "Does Not Exist" in a cell depending on if the cell value in one excel file exists in another. This was done to help sort out what products existed in the one file but not the other.

    That has been working great!!!

    Now I have a new problem and I have tried to do it myself but not being to familiar with excel macros I am having a hard time.

    I still want the macro below to do what it does, but is there a way to put the standard "Exists" and "Does not exist" as well as copy cell C from the new to the old as well?

    I have two sheets that have mostly the same data, though not in the same order. The old sheet has descriptions that have been cut off, the new has the full descriptions. I need to compare cell A of new to cell A of old and if they match it writes "Exists" and then copies cell C from the new to cell C from the old. Get it?

    I just want to make sure the full descriptions are copied over the incomplete ones. Would be easy if all the data was in same order, but it isn't. When I tried to do it it just copied straight down the list... which doesn't match.

    Here is the macro that was first given to me to figure out which items in the new existed in the old, and vice versa.

    Sub CheckExistenceCopy()
    Dim NewRange As Range
    Set NewRange = Range("'walloffame-u864xprt.xls'!A:A")

    Dim OldRange As Range
    Set OldRange = Range("'toystore-112105.XLS'!A:A")

    Dim NrIndex As Long
    Dim OrIndex As Long

    Dim SearchedFor As Range

    For NrIndex = 1 To NewRange.Rows.Count
    If NewRange.Item(NrIndex).Value <> "" Then
    Set SearchedFor = OldRange.Find(NewRange.Item(NrIndex), LookIn:=xlValues)

    If Not SearchedFor Is Nothing Then
    Range("'walloffame-u864xprt.xls'!B" & NrIndex).Value = "Exists"
    Range("'walloffame-u864xprt.xls'!B" & NrIndex).Value = "Does Not Exist"
    End If
    End If
    Next NrIndex
    End Sub

    I see where the match occurs and does not. I just can't figure out how to tell it that when it matches insert the value "Exists" AND copy cell C from new to old sheet.

    I'm sure it is something pretty simple. It always seems to be simplicity that gets me. Kinda like not being able to see the forrest for the trees.

    I am attaching new and old sheets so you can see what I mean.

    I hope I have explained this well. I need to copy the description from new to old as well as do the "exist" and "does not exist"

    The only difference is the attached are .txt and in the macro they are .xls (Because I can only attach a .txt)


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