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Applying style to row, getting Run-time error '450'

  1. #1
    Dustin Carter

    Applying style to row, getting Run-time error '450'

    I'm attempting to apply a style to a row in Excel 2000 based on a validated
    cell at the end of the row (containing the style type). My clunky method for
    doing so, at this point, involves:

    - having a style for each column in the row, for example:
    "SubSection - 1"
    "SubSection - 2"
    "SubSection - 3"
    - getting the data out of the validated cell
    - setting the desired row as a range
    - looping through each cell and applying the style type ("SubSection - ")
    plus the column number as the style.

    This is probably inefficient, but the real problem I'm encountering at this
    point is with the last step. The code is as follows:

    For Each cell In rngRow
    cell.Style = strStyle & cell.Column
    Next cell

    Seems simple, seems like it should work, but produces a Run-time error
    '450'. No idea why, no idea how to fix it. Hopefully one of the great Excel
    Programming minds holds the answer...

    Dustin Carter

  2. #2
    Tom Ogilvy

    Re: Applying style to row, getting Run-time error '450'

    I only created one style, SubSection - 6.

    Then this worked for me:

    Sub Tester1()
    Dim rngRow As Range, strStyle As String
    Dim cell As Range
    Set rngRow = Range("A10:I10")
    Cells(rngRow.Row, 256).Value = "SubSection - "
    strStyle = Cells(rngRow.Row, 256).Value
    For Each cell In rngRow
    If cell.Column = 6 Then
    cell.Style = strStyle & cell.Column
    End If
    Next cell

    End Sub
    Tom Ogilvy

    "Dustin Carter" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    > I'm attempting to apply a style to a row in Excel 2000 based on a

    > cell at the end of the row (containing the style type). My clunky method

    > doing so, at this point, involves:
    > - having a style for each column in the row, for example:
    > "SubSection - 1"
    > "SubSection - 2"
    > "SubSection - 3"
    > - getting the data out of the validated cell
    > - setting the desired row as a range
    > - looping through each cell and applying the style type ("SubSection - ")
    > plus the column number as the style.
    > This is probably inefficient, but the real problem I'm encountering at

    > point is with the last step. The code is as follows:
    > For Each cell In rngRow
    > cell.Style = strStyle & cell.Column
    > Next cell
    > Seems simple, seems like it should work, but produces a Run-time error
    > '450'. No idea why, no idea how to fix it. Hopefully one of the great

    > Programming minds holds the answer...
    > Thanks,
    > Dustin Carter

  3. #3
    Dustin Carter

    Re: Applying style to row, getting Run-time error '450'

    Hey Tom,
    Thanks for the help. I'm not sure what I ended up changing but things are
    working great now. If you get the chance, could you make sure I'm not doing
    anything terribly stupid with this sub?

    Sub ApplyStyle()
    Dim ws As Worksheet: Set ws = ActiveSheet

    ' The Style named range is the column containing the desired style.
    Dim rngStyleID As Range: Set rngStyleID = ws.Range("Style")

    Dim strStyleID As String: Dim strStyle As String
    Dim rngRow As Range: Dim cell As Range
    Dim iRow As Integer: Dim iCol As Integer

    For iRow = 1 To rngStyleID.Rows.Count Step 1
    Set rngRow = ws.Range(Cells(rngStyleID.Rows(iRow).Row, 1),
    _ Cells(rngStyleID.Rows(iRow).Row, 5))

    Select Case rngStyleID(iRow).Value
    Case "Section"
    strStyle = "TRC - Section - "
    Case "Section Note"
    strStyle = "TRC - Section Note - "
    Case Else
    strStyle = "Invalid"
    End Select

    If strStyle <> "Invalid" Then
    For Each cell In rngRow
    cell.Style = strStyle & cell.Column
    Next cell
    End If
    Next iRow
    End Sub

    Thanks again,
    Dustin Carter

    "Tom Ogilvy" wrote:

    > I only created one style, SubSection - 6.
    > Then this worked for me:
    > Sub Tester1()
    > Dim rngRow As Range, strStyle As String
    > Dim cell As Range
    > Set rngRow = Range("A10:I10")
    > Cells(rngRow.Row, 256).Value = "SubSection - "
    > strStyle = Cells(rngRow.Row, 256).Value
    > For Each cell In rngRow
    > If cell.Column = 6 Then
    > cell.Style = strStyle & cell.Column
    > End If
    > Next cell
    > End Sub
    > --
    > Regards,
    > Tom Ogilvy
    > "Dustin Carter" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    > news:[email protected]...
    > > I'm attempting to apply a style to a row in Excel 2000 based on a

    > validated
    > > cell at the end of the row (containing the style type). My clunky method

    > for
    > > doing so, at this point, involves:
    > >
    > > - having a style for each column in the row, for example:
    > > "SubSection - 1"
    > > "SubSection - 2"
    > > "SubSection - 3"
    > > - getting the data out of the validated cell
    > > - setting the desired row as a range
    > > - looping through each cell and applying the style type ("SubSection - ")
    > > plus the column number as the style.
    > >
    > > This is probably inefficient, but the real problem I'm encountering at

    > this
    > > point is with the last step. The code is as follows:
    > >
    > > For Each cell In rngRow
    > > cell.Style = strStyle & cell.Column
    > > Next cell
    > >
    > > Seems simple, seems like it should work, but produces a Run-time error
    > > '450'. No idea why, no idea how to fix it. Hopefully one of the great

    > Excel
    > > Programming minds holds the answer...
    > >
    > > Thanks,
    > > Dustin Carter


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