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Macro with Essbase Add-in

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  1. #1

    Macro with Essbase Add-in

    Hello All,

    I have a query setup in Excel that retrieves data from Hyperion using the
    Essbase Add-In. Can anyone please show me how to write code that will
    initiate the Retreive Data function automatically. I have a macro with input
    boxes that will prompt the user to change the dimensions, but I do not know
    how to automatically retreive the data via Essbase via a macro (without
    manually selecting Essbase from the toolbar and clicking on Retrieve Data).

    Thank you. Andy

  2. #2
    Bernie Deitrick

    Re: Macro with Essbase Add-in


    How it is done depends on how open the Essbase object is to VBA. Usually, set a reference to the
    Add-In through Tools / References in the VBE, then declare the proper variables, and give it a go.
    Essbase should have some examples on-line, or offer support, or have a help file, or a newsgroup,

    MS Excel MVP

    "Anolan" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    > Hello All,
    > I have a query setup in Excel that retrieves data from Hyperion using the
    > Essbase Add-In. Can anyone please show me how to write code that will
    > initiate the Retreive Data function automatically. I have a macro with input
    > boxes that will prompt the user to change the dimensions, but I do not know
    > how to automatically retreive the data via Essbase via a macro (without
    > manually selecting Essbase from the toolbar and clicking on Retrieve Data).
    > Thank you. Andy

  3. #3

    Re: Macro with Essbase Add-in

    Could you tell me what kind of query is that? Is it a Essbase
    Query-Designer query? or Is it a worksheet with selected members
    adjusted in rows and columns. if you could provide a sample example
    then i can try to figure it out.


  4. #4

    Re: Macro with Essbase Add-in


    Initially I created the query using the Essbase query designer. Afterwards,
    I just change the member names and click Retrieve Data.

    The member names run across the columns in Row 1. The entity name and
    account run down the rows in column A.

    I have Input boxes in my macro that once the user enters a value, it inputs
    the value into the cell of the query spreadsheet.

    But, now I want the macro to automatically "refresh" the data.

    Thanks for you assistance...Andy

    "King" wrote:

    > Could you tell me what kind of query is that? Is it a Essbase
    > Query-Designer query? or Is it a worksheet with selected members
    > adjusted in rows and columns. if you could provide a sample example
    > then i can try to figure it out.
    > Regards.

  5. #5

    Re: Macro with Essbase Add-in

    You can do one thing, created a module in your spreadsheet and write a
    subroutine as follows,

    Sub auto_open()
    Call GetUpdatedData
    End Sub

    Sub GetUpdatedData()
    Dim Server As String
    Dim Application As String
    Dim Database As String
    Dim ID As String
    Dim PW As String
    Dim x As Long, y As Long

    Server = your server string
    Application = the name of the application you are connecting
    Database = the name of the database under the application
    ID = your user ID
    PW = your Password

    x = EssVConnect("[" & ThisWorkbook.Name & "]" & ActiveSheet.Name,
    ID, PW, Server, Application, Database)
    If x = 0 Then
    y = EssVRetrieve(Null, Null, Null)
    If y = 0 Then
    MsgBox "Retrieve Successful"
    MsgBox "Retrieve Failed"
    End Sub
    End If
    MsgBox "Unable to Connect to the Server"
    End If

    End Sub

    create another module and put all the essbase declarations in that
    module ( for that you have to copy all containts of the file
    "your_essbase_directory\bin\essxlvba.txt" in that module ). Set the
    propers values for variables declared in 'GetUpdatedData' subroutine.
    The macro "auto_open" will be called everythime you will open your
    spreadsheet. so everytime when you open the spreadsheet, you will get
    updated data. And put a line "Call GetUpdatedData" at the end of the
    macro which you have created to update members. so data will be updated
    again when you change your member name using the macro you have

    Hope this helps,


  6. #6
    Jim Thomlinson

    RE: Macro with Essbase Add-in

    Here is an excerpt from the Excel Addin Help. You should have this on your

    EssVRetrieve() retrieves data from the database and specifies locking


    EssVRetrieve(sheetName, range, lockFlag)
    ByVal sheetName As Variant
    ByVal range As Variant
    ByVal lockFlag As Variant


    Text name of worksheet to operate on. sheetName is of the form
    "[Book.xls]Sheet". If sheetName is Null or Empty, the active sheet is used.
    Range object which refers to the data to be used as the source of the
    retrieve. If range is Null or Empty, the whole sheet is used. Usually,
    specifying Null is the best way to update the data in your sheet. However, if
    you have a formatted sheet and you want to specify a range, then range needs
    to be a combination of contiguous cells containing member names and data. Or
    you can specify a blank range of cells for Hyperion Essbase to fill. The
    range you specify should be big enough to display all the values returned.

    Number indicating whether any blocks should be locked. The following table
    indicates the valid values and their actions:

    lockFlag Action
    1 Retrieves data and does not lock cells.
    2 Locks the affected cells in the database and retrieves data.
    3 Locks the affected cells in the database and does not retrieve data.
    If lockFlag is Null or Empty, 1 is used.

    Return Value

    Returns 0 if successful. A negative number indicates a local failure. A
    return value greater than zero indicates a failure on the server.


    Declare Function EssVRetrieve Lib "ESSEXCLN.XLL" (ByVal sheetName As
    Variant, ByVal range As Variant, ByVal lockFlag As Variant) As Long

    Sub RetData()
    X=EssVRetrieve("[Book2.xls]Sheet1", RANGE("A1:F12"), 1)
    If X = 0 Then
    MsgBox("Retrieve successful.")
    MsgBox("Retrieve failed.")
    End If
    End Sub


    Jim Thomlinson

    "Anolan" wrote:

    > Hello All,
    > I have a query setup in Excel that retrieves data from Hyperion using the
    > Essbase Add-In. Can anyone please show me how to write code that will
    > initiate the Retreive Data function automatically. I have a macro with input
    > boxes that will prompt the user to change the dimensions, but I do not know
    > how to automatically retreive the data via Essbase via a macro (without
    > manually selecting Essbase from the toolbar and clicking on Retrieve Data).
    > Thank you. Andy

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