Strange... in my worksheet, if I choose Format | Cells from the menu
(or press Ctrl+1), the Format Cells dialog box won't display. The only
time it will display is if I've selected all the cells at once
(Ctrl+a). This is of course a problem if I want to change the format
of any individual or group of cells. Has anyone ever heard of this?
Even after (via Ctlr+a then Ctrl+1) I uncheck "Locked" on the
protection tab, I still can't format individual cells.

A couple possible reasons: (1) the worksheet is a table that was
created from Access by pressing "Analyze with Excel" so maybe there's a
special setting or something which locks formatting, (2) the worksheet
was initially saved in Excel 2003 and I'm opening it in Excel 2000,
however, even when I copy the cells into a new workbook, the Format
Cells dialog box still won't display for those cells.
