
I've been grinding information for the last 6hours with no success

I have a listbox in a form, 4 columns, n rows
I would like to use the MouseMove event to populate a new ControlTipText depending on the column the user is over.
Knowing the width of the columns, i though it would be easy to play with X to see in which column i am and populate the ControlTipText accordingly.

Works really well for the first MouseMove, but the ControlTipText is not refreshed when i move the mouse over the other columns. I have to leave the control (listbox) and come back over it to refresh the ControlTipText... kind of annoying...

Anyone knows/think of a work around i could use, would be greatly appreciated.



Private Sub ListBox2_MouseMove(ByVal Button As Integer, ByVal Shift As Integer, ByVal X As Single, ByVal Y As Single)
Me.ListBox2.ControlTipText = "will parse the value"
End Sub