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Looking for the truth !!

  1. #1

    Looking for the truth !!

    I am creating a spreadsheet to track rejects.
    cell L2 has the following code =IF(I6>0,ISNA(MATCH('Ticket
    Query'!$I6,'Ticket Query'!$B$6:'Ticket Query'!$B$1000,FALSE)),""). This
    returns a value of True or False.
    Cell J2 has a response I.D of either AF, CON, NFF
    I want a code in Cell M2 to look cell L2, if that has a value of TRUE,
    then to look at Cell J2, if that has either AF, CON, or NFF. Then it
    returns a value of TRUE

    Anyone any ideas !!!!!

  2. #2
    John Coleman

    Re: Looking for the truth !!

    Decreenisi wrote:
    > I am creating a spreadsheet to track rejects.
    > cell L2 has the following code =IF(I6>0,ISNA(MATCH('Ticket
    > Query'!$I6,'Ticket Query'!$B$6:'Ticket Query'!$B$1000,FALSE)),""). This
    > returns a value of True or False.
    > Cell J2 has a response I.D of either AF, CON, NFF
    > I want a code in Cell M2 to look cell L2, if that has a value of TRUE,
    > then to look at Cell J2, if that has either AF, CON, or NFF. Then it
    > returns a value of TRUE
    > Anyone any ideas !!!!!



    in M2

    Hope that helps

    -John Coleman

  3. #3

    Re: Looking for the truth !!


    Thanks mate, just the job !!

  4. #4
    Bob Phillips

    Re: Looking for the truth !!

    Please restrict yourself to one posting, you waste people's time otherwise.


    Bob Phillips

    (remove nothere from email address if mailing direct)

    "Decreenisi" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    > I am creating a spreadsheet to track rejects.
    > cell L2 has the following code =IF(I6>0,ISNA(MATCH('Ticket
    > Query'!$I6,'Ticket Query'!$B$6:'Ticket Query'!$B$1000,FALSE)),""). This
    > returns a value of True or False.
    > Cell J2 has a response I.D of either AF, CON, NFF
    > I want a code in Cell M2 to look cell L2, if that has a value of TRUE,
    > then to look at Cell J2, if that has either AF, CON, or NFF. Then it
    > returns a value of TRUE
    > Anyone any ideas !!!!!

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