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Coding questions about UserForm TextBox

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  1. #1

    Coding questions about UserForm TextBox

    I have deigned a UserForm that will allow the user to enter some info
    that will be copied to a worksheet when the user clicks the OK button.
    There are about a dozen fields the user will enter info to in this

    Below is some coding that checks the user's entry in TextBox1, and
    compares it to data already in column J of this list, looking for
    duplicates. If there is a duplicate, a message box comes up warning the
    user this data already exists.

    For this example of the problem, assume the user is entering
    "M123456" in textbox1. And that this is NOT a duplicate. And, that
    the data from TextBox1 will be written to cell J500.

    As I'm typing in "M123456", I can see the worksheet in the
    background, and I notice the following happening upon hitting each

    J500 shows M
    J501 shows M1
    J502 shows M12
    J503 shows M123
    J504 shows M1234
    J505 shows M12345
    J506 shows M123456

    I cannot begin to figure out why this is happening. Am I missing some
    coding that instructs the macro to wait until the user tabs out of
    TextBox1 before looking for duplicates? The current code is shown

    With Worksheets("Official list")
    If Application.CountIf(.Range("j:j"), TextBox1.Text) > 0 Then
    MsgBox "This PO/PL is already on the list. Please edit the existing
    record "
    TextBox1.Text = Clear


    Application.Selection.Value = TextBox1.Text

    End If

    End With

    I have a 2nd question, also.
    Concerning the 2nd line of the code above, ending with
    ........TextBox1.Text)> 0 Then

    Some of the user entries will begin with letters, some begin with
    numbers. Is using a zero the best way to state any kind of an entry?

    Thanks for your help/suggestions.

  2. #2

    Re: Coding questions about UserForm TextBox

    do you have something in the change event turned on?
    perhaps its getting updated as a result of code you're no looking at

    - voodooJoe

    "excelnut1954" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    >I have deigned a UserForm that will allow the user to enter some info
    > that will be copied to a worksheet when the user clicks the OK button.
    > There are about a dozen fields the user will enter info to in this
    > form.
    > Below is some coding that checks the user's entry in TextBox1, and
    > compares it to data already in column J of this list, looking for
    > duplicates. If there is a duplicate, a message box comes up warning the
    > user this data already exists.
    > For this example of the problem, assume the user is entering
    > "M123456" in textbox1. And that this is NOT a duplicate. And, that
    > the data from TextBox1 will be written to cell J500.
    > As I'm typing in "M123456", I can see the worksheet in the
    > background, and I notice the following happening upon hitting each
    > character:
    > J500 shows M
    > J501 shows M1
    > J502 shows M12
    > J503 shows M123
    > J504 shows M1234
    > J505 shows M12345
    > J506 shows M123456
    > I cannot begin to figure out why this is happening. Am I missing some
    > coding that instructs the macro to wait until the user tabs out of
    > TextBox1 before looking for duplicates? The current code is shown
    > below:
    > With Worksheets("Official list")
    > If Application.CountIf(.Range("j:j"), TextBox1.Text) > 0 Then
    > MsgBox "This PO/PL is already on the list. Please edit the existing
    > record "
    > TextBox1.Text = Clear
    > Else
    > Range("J65536").End(xlUp)(2).Select
    > Application.Selection.Value = TextBox1.Text
    > End If
    > End With
    > I have a 2nd question, also.
    > Concerning the 2nd line of the code above, ending with
    > .......TextBox1.Text)> 0 Then
    > Some of the user entries will begin with letters, some begin with
    > numbers. Is using a zero the best way to state any kind of an entry?
    > Thanks for your help/suggestions.
    > J.O.

  3. #3

    Re: Coding questions about UserForm TextBox

    Thanks for responding.

    Well, I had the code originally in the 1st sub Private Sub
    It works there, but not until the OK button is clicked at the bottom of
    the UserForm. The problem here is that I wanted the test to be made for
    duplicates made upon leaving TextBox1.

    I then put the code in the change event sub Private Sub
    Maybe it's not suppose to be there.... but I tried it anyway.
    That when it reacted as I detailed here... see original post.

    I suspect it belongs in the 1st sub.... but, if so, there must be other
    coding to have it test for the duplicate when the user tabs out of
    TextBox1, and not wait until the OK button is clicked at the end.

    Does this help explain what I've done? Thanks again.

  4. #4

    Re: Coding questions about UserForm TextBox

    As toppers has already said, i also think it would be appropriate to be your
    code in TextBox1_Exit() which is fired when you hit enter key instead of

    i don't know this is what you want, but what if you try this?

    Private Sub TextBox1_Exit(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
    With Worksheets("Official list")
    If TextBox1.Text <> "" And _
    Not .Range("j:j").Find(TextBox1.Text, LookIn:=xlValues, lookat:=xlWhole,
    MatchCase:=False) Is Nothing Then
    MsgBox "This PO/PL is already on the list. Please edit the existing Record "
    TextBox1.Text = Clear
    Cancel = True
    Application.Selection.Value = TextBox1.Text
    Cancel = False
    End If
    End With
    End Sub


    "excelnut1954" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    > I have deigned a UserForm that will allow the user to enter some info
    > that will be copied to a worksheet when the user clicks the OK button.
    > There are about a dozen fields the user will enter info to in this
    > form.
    > Below is some coding that checks the user's entry in TextBox1, and
    > compares it to data already in column J of this list, looking for
    > duplicates. If there is a duplicate, a message box comes up warning the
    > user this data already exists.
    > For this example of the problem, assume the user is entering
    > "M123456" in textbox1. And that this is NOT a duplicate. And, that
    > the data from TextBox1 will be written to cell J500.
    > As I'm typing in "M123456", I can see the worksheet in the
    > background, and I notice the following happening upon hitting each
    > character:
    > J500 shows M
    > J501 shows M1
    > J502 shows M12
    > J503 shows M123
    > J504 shows M1234
    > J505 shows M12345
    > J506 shows M123456
    > I cannot begin to figure out why this is happening. Am I missing some
    > coding that instructs the macro to wait until the user tabs out of
    > TextBox1 before looking for duplicates? The current code is shown
    > below:
    > With Worksheets("Official list")
    > If Application.CountIf(.Range("j:j"), TextBox1.Text) > 0 Then
    > MsgBox "This PO/PL is already on the list. Please edit the existing
    > record "
    > TextBox1.Text = Clear
    > Else
    > Range("J65536").End(xlUp)(2).Select
    > Application.Selection.Value = TextBox1.Text
    > End If
    > End With
    > I have a 2nd question, also.
    > Concerning the 2nd line of the code above, ending with
    > .......TextBox1.Text)> 0 Then
    > Some of the user entries will begin with letters, some begin with
    > numbers. Is using a zero the best way to state any kind of an entry?
    > Thanks for your help/suggestions.
    > J.O.

  5. #5

    Re: Coding questions about UserForm TextBox

    I copied the sub above. The 1st thing I saw is that these 3 lines are
    in red:
    If TextBox1.Text <> "" And _
    Not .Range("j:j").Find(TextBox1.Text, LookIn:=xlValues,
    MatchCase:=False) Is Nothing Then

    I'm not getting any error messages. Just those lines in red. What does
    that mean? I haven't tried to run anything yet, either.

    Also, the part of the code

    (ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)

    what does this mean?
    I've always seen the this part in the sub name as (), with nothing
    inside. However, I've noticed entries inside the () many times in code
    written for other folks here. Is this some kind of documentation? Or is
    there a significant meaning of this?

    Thanks for reponding.

  6. #6

    Re: Coding questions about UserForm TextBox

    I copied the above sub. The 1st thing I saw is that these 3 lines are
    in red:
    If TextBox1.Text <> "" And _
    Not .Range("j:j").Find(TextBox1.Text, LookIn:=xlValues,
    MatchCase:=False) Is Nothing Then

    I tried to run it anyway, and that's when I found out there was a
    syntax error.
    Is there something obvious to anyone? Maybe one of the parenthesis in
    the wrong position? I'll fool around with it, but if anyone can come up
    with the error, I would appreciate it.

    Also, the part of the top line

    (ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)

    what does this mean?

    I've always seen the this part in the sub name as (), with nothing
    inside. However, I've noticed entries inside the () many times in code
    written for other folks here. Is this some kind of documentation? Or is

    there a significant meaning of this?

    Thanks for reponding, kounoike.
    And thanks to anyone else who can help, also.


  7. #7

    Re: Coding questions about UserForm TextBox

    i intended that code to be in two lines. so, correct code from Not to Then
    to be in one line.

    and about (ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
    is written in Textbox event in help file(file name is FM20.CHM)
    or see The enter and Exit events written in

    one more thing, i'm using Excel 2002.


    "excelnut1954" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    > I copied the above sub. The 1st thing I saw is that these 3 lines are
    > in red:
    > If TextBox1.Text <> "" And _
    > Not .Range("j:j").Find(TextBox1.Text, LookIn:=xlValues,
    > lookat:=xlWhole,
    > MatchCase:=False) Is Nothing Then
    > I tried to run it anyway, and that's when I found out there was a
    > syntax error.
    > Is there something obvious to anyone? Maybe one of the parenthesis in
    > the wrong position? I'll fool around with it, but if anyone can come up
    > with the error, I would appreciate it.
    > Also, the part of the top line
    > (ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
    > what does this mean?
    > I've always seen the this part in the sub name as (), with nothing
    > inside. However, I've noticed entries inside the () many times in code
    > written for other folks here. Is this some kind of documentation? Or is
    > there a significant meaning of this?
    > Thanks for reponding, kounoike.
    > And thanks to anyone else who can help, also.
    > J.O.

  8. #8

    Re: Coding questions about UserForm TextBox

    Excellent! This seems to work. I appreciate it, and also the web site.
    Collecting all the references I can.
    Thanks again


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