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Retain Format When Coping Visible Cells Only to New Worksheet

  1. #1

    Retain Format When Coping Visible Cells Only to New Worksheet

    I have a spreadsheet with around 5000 rows and 100 columns. I hide
    rows and columns, do some filtering and subtotaling when creating
    different reports. I would like to be able to create a report, then
    copy only the visible cells and columns and paste theses to a new
    worksheet while maintaining the format. I can't get it to work. It
    seems the problem is since I'm not pasting the data to the same
    columns the formatting gets all messed up. Format Painter doesn't
    help. I have a macro that deletes all hidden rows and columns and it
    does maintain the formatting but it's too slow. Does anyone know of
    a way to do copy Visible Cells Only while maintaining the same format?

  2. #2
    Dave Peterson

    Re: Retain Format When Coping Visible Cells Only to New Worksheet

    I put some test data in a worksheet, I applied data|filter autofilter, I added
    data|subtotals, I formatted a few cells (fill/font/bold).

    I hid some columns. I hid some rows using the outlining symbol to the left.

    I selected the range to copy.
    I hit Edit|Goto|Special|Visible cells only

    I pasted to a new sheet and both the values and formatting were pasted.

    The columnwidth's weren't pasted, though. But if you're using xl2k+, you could
    do edit|paste special|columnwidths to get that.

    I used xl2003 in my test. Does this work differently for you?

    If so, what version of excel are you using?

    Ronster wrote:
    > I have a spreadsheet with around 5000 rows and 100 columns. I hide
    > rows and columns, do some filtering and subtotaling when creating
    > different reports. I would like to be able to create a report, then
    > copy only the visible cells and columns and paste theses to a new
    > worksheet while maintaining the format. I can't get it to work. It
    > seems the problem is since I'm not pasting the data to the same
    > columns the formatting gets all messed up. Format Painter doesn't
    > help. I have a macro that deletes all hidden rows and columns and it
    > does maintain the formatting but it's too slow. Does anyone know of
    > a way to do copy Visible Cells Only while maintaining the same format?


    Dave Peterson

  3. #3

    Re: Retain Format When Coping Visible Cells Only to New Worksheet

    I'm using xl2K and it doesn't work the same as yours. When I copy
    Visible Cells Only and paste them to a new WS ALL the columns and rows
    are the same and about 1/3 of the data is unreadable (requires
    resizing). I tried the edit|paste special|columnwidths but when
    pasting I get an error message saying the areas aren't the same size.
    It looks like it's time to upgrade to 2003 or use my slow delete hidden
    rows/columns macro.

  4. #4
    Dave Peterson

    Re: Retain Format When Coping Visible Cells Only to New Worksheet

    Or just copy the columnwidths separately--or select the whole column(s) first

    Ronster wrote:
    > I'm using xl2K and it doesn't work the same as yours. When I copy
    > Visible Cells Only and paste them to a new WS ALL the columns and rows
    > are the same and about 1/3 of the data is unreadable (requires
    > resizing). I tried the edit|paste special|columnwidths but when
    > pasting I get an error message saying the areas aren't the same size.
    > It looks like it's time to upgrade to 2003 or use my slow delete hidden
    > rows/columns macro.


    Dave Peterson

  5. #5

    Re: Retain Format When Coping Visible Cells Only to New Worksheet

    The Paste Special ColumnWidths worked! First I create the report with
    all the hidden rows and columns with the formatting just the way I want
    it. I then create a new worksheet. After that I do the Edit, GoTo,
    Special, Visible Cells Only. I then switch to the new WS, location A1.
    I do the Paste Special Column Widths which reformats ALL the columns
    to the same size as the origianl. I then simple do a Paste which
    inserts all the visible data and any colored cells or other formatting
    that the other WS had. Works great! Thanks

  6. #6
    Dave Peterson

    Re: Retain Format When Coping Visible Cells Only to New Worksheet

    Glad you got it working.

    Ronster wrote:
    > The Paste Special ColumnWidths worked! First I create the report with
    > all the hidden rows and columns with the formatting just the way I want
    > it. I then create a new worksheet. After that I do the Edit, GoTo,
    > Special, Visible Cells Only. I then switch to the new WS, location A1.
    > I do the Paste Special Column Widths which reformats ALL the columns
    > to the same size as the origianl. I then simple do a Paste which
    > inserts all the visible data and any colored cells or other formatting
    > that the other WS had. Works great! Thanks


    Dave Peterson

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