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Setting Public Variables Error

  1. #1
    Registered User
    Join Date

    Setting Public Variables Error

    I'm brand new at VB, so my problem-solving abilties are rather limited...

    I have 4 public variables that I have defined in the "Declarations" area of Module1. Within Module1, I have a bunch of macros that use these public variables. The 4 variables could be considered "constant", in that I don't want them to change from macro to macro.

    The error I get is "Compile Error - invalid outside procedure", and it shows up when I try to set the first public variable. My public variable code is below. Any help is greatly appreciated...
    Public iRange As Range
    Public QU, PS, PM As Worksheet

    Set QU = Sheets("Questionnaire")
    Set PS = Sheets("Process Summary")
    Set PM = Sheets("Process Methodology")
    Set iRange = PS.Range("A6:T26")

  2. #2
    Bob Phillips

    Re: Setting Public Variables Error

    You cannot Set those variables in the Declarations section, that must be
    within a macro.


    Bob Phillips

    (remove nothere from email address if mailing direct)

    "clmarquez" <[email protected]> wrote
    in message news:[email protected]...
    > I'm brand new at VB, so my problem-solving abilties are rather
    > limited...
    > I have 4 public variables that I have defined in the "Declarations"
    > area of Module1. Within Module1, I have a bunch of macros that use
    > these public variables. The 4 variables could be considered
    > "constant", in that I don't want them to change from macro to macro.
    > The error I get is "Compile Error - invalid outside procedure", and it
    > shows up when I try to set the first public variable. My public
    > variable code is below. Any help is greatly appreciated...
    > _____________________________________
    > Public iRange As Range
    > Public QU, PS, PM As Worksheet
    > Set QU = Sheets("Questionnaire")
    > Set PS = Sheets("Process Summary")
    > Set PM = Sheets("Process Methodology")
    > Set iRange = PS.Range("A6:T26")
    > _____________________________________
    > --
    > clmarquez
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > clmarquez's Profile:

    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=501145

  3. #3
    Gary''s Student

    RE: Setting Public Variables Error

    Don't set the variable in public:

    Public z As Variant
    Sub Macro1()
    z = 1
    MsgBox (z)
    End Sub

    will work

    Public z As Variant
    z = 1
    Sub Macro1()
    z = 1
    MsgBox (z)
    End Sub
    will not work
    Gary''s Student

    "clmarquez" wrote:

    > I'm brand new at VB, so my problem-solving abilties are rather
    > limited...
    > I have 4 public variables that I have defined in the "Declarations"
    > area of Module1. Within Module1, I have a bunch of macros that use
    > these public variables. The 4 variables could be considered
    > "constant", in that I don't want them to change from macro to macro.
    > The error I get is "Compile Error - invalid outside procedure", and it
    > shows up when I try to set the first public variable. My public
    > variable code is below. Any help is greatly appreciated...
    > _____________________________________
    > Public iRange As Range
    > Public QU, PS, PM As Worksheet
    > Set QU = Sheets("Questionnaire")
    > Set PS = Sheets("Process Summary")
    > Set PM = Sheets("Process Methodology")
    > Set iRange = PS.Range("A6:T26")
    > _____________________________________
    > --
    > clmarquez
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > clmarquez's Profile: http://www.excelforum.com/member.php...o&userid=29386
    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=501145

  4. #4
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Thanks guys. I understand now. I just thought that if these were going to be set to the same thing, that I could somehow "globally" set them, and not worry about having to re-set them in each individual macro.

    Instead of setting them in each individual macro, could they somehow be "globally" set once somewhere else outside of public declarations? Maybe in Workbook or something? Or, do you advise against it?

  5. #5
    Vacation's Over

    Re: Setting Public Variables Error

    You might look into declaring a public constant, but might be an issue with a
    to avoid issues I might use a string constant then adjust other code.

    Const QU As String = "Questionnaire"

    "clmarquez" wrote:

    > Thanks guys. I understand now. I just thought that if these were going
    > to be set to the same thing, that I could somehow "globally" set them,
    > and not worry about having to re-set them in each individual macro.
    > Instead of setting them in each individual macro, could they somehow be
    > "globally" set once somewhere else outside of public declarations?
    > Maybe in Workbook or something? Or, do you advise against it?
    > --
    > clmarquez
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > clmarquez's Profile: http://www.excelforum.com/member.php...o&userid=29386
    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=501145

  6. #6

    Re: Setting Public Variables Error

    Yes.. If you put the call to "set" your variables in your ThisWorkbook
    section when opening the document, then the variables should be set.
    However, I think that I have seen instances where the values get "corrupted"
    or lost. I typically use a module that contains a series of functions that
    return the value I want "globally" set. I did this after I ran into a
    problem of Excel not being able to maintain a global list of variables on the
    order of 30 or something.. Or if the program errored, then the variable
    values were lost. That way I had everything I needed stored in one place,
    and I could put my eyes on the value if I needed to review it, and not hunt
    down where I had implemented my global value(s).

    "clmarquez" wrote:

    > Thanks guys. I understand now. I just thought that if these were going
    > to be set to the same thing, that I could somehow "globally" set them,
    > and not worry about having to re-set them in each individual macro.
    > Instead of setting them in each individual macro, could they somehow be
    > "globally" set once somewhere else outside of public declarations?
    > Maybe in Workbook or something? Or, do you advise against it?
    > --
    > clmarquez
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > clmarquez's Profile: http://www.excelforum.com/member.php...o&userid=29386
    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=501145

  7. #7
    Vacation's Over

    Re: Setting Public Variables Error

    GB -
    interesting. but the way i see it there are constants, variables and data.
    OP seemed to be looking for constants.
    your approach to "remembering" variables seems to me to be addressing what I
    refer to as data. user action can change the value and if program is
    terminated and restarted (crash or user shutdown) you still want the "new"
    value without repeating steps - then it's data and should be written to a
    range in thisworkbook. variables are used to vary a value durring a session.

    as to global variables i typically have a separate module "Global Variables"
    where constants and variables of PROJECT level are declared.

    I'm not preaching just trying to help and fishing for feedback

    "GB" wrote:

    > Yes.. If you put the call to "set" your variables in your ThisWorkbook
    > section when opening the document, then the variables should be set.
    > However, I think that I have seen instances where the values get "corrupted"
    > or lost. I typically use a module that contains a series of functions that
    > return the value I want "globally" set. I did this after I ran into a
    > problem of Excel not being able to maintain a global list of variables on the
    > order of 30 or something.. Or if the program errored, then the variable
    > values were lost. That way I had everything I needed stored in one place,
    > and I could put my eyes on the value if I needed to review it, and not hunt
    > down where I had implemented my global value(s).
    > "clmarquez" wrote:
    > >
    > > Thanks guys. I understand now. I just thought that if these were going
    > > to be set to the same thing, that I could somehow "globally" set them,
    > > and not worry about having to re-set them in each individual macro.
    > >
    > > Instead of setting them in each individual macro, could they somehow be
    > > "globally" set once somewhere else outside of public declarations?
    > > Maybe in Workbook or something? Or, do you advise against it?
    > >
    > >
    > > --
    > > clmarquez
    > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > > clmarquez's Profile: http://www.excelforum.com/member.php...o&userid=29386
    > > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=501145
    > >
    > >

  8. #8
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Thanks GB and Vacation's Over for the useful info. GB - I like your tip of returning constants elsewhere, as a backup. I will look to do the same thing...

  9. #9

    Re: Setting Public Variables Error

    I think that we are somewhat talking about the same thing, depending on your
    implementation of the global variable module. I use a retriever function to
    get the "global" variable from the module. And yes I define the variables as
    global in that module. But then return the value assigned. I did this
    because even though I had assigned and was using the actual global variable
    in a program, if it crashed or ran into some weird situation, it forgot what
    the value of the global variable was. Therefore I just put it all into one
    module, and used a retriever function. As with any "value" a user could
    assign a variable = to the global variable, and then modify the value of the
    variable to be other than the global variable. So it's still all in the
    hands of the programmer. But on successive calls to my helper function, it
    will always return the same value.

    I agree there is some discrepancy between what we are calling what. And it
    *does* make a difference. I may have incorrectly used certain terms to
    convey the idea at hand. Good fish though.

    "Vacation's Over" wrote:

    > GB -
    > interesting. but the way i see it there are constants, variables and data.
    > OP seemed to be looking for constants.
    > your approach to "remembering" variables seems to me to be addressing what I
    > refer to as data. user action can change the value and if program is
    > terminated and restarted (crash or user shutdown) you still want the "new"
    > value without repeating steps - then it's data and should be written to a
    > range in thisworkbook. variables are used to vary a value durring a session.
    > as to global variables i typically have a separate module "Global Variables"
    > where constants and variables of PROJECT level are declared.
    > I'm not preaching just trying to help and fishing for feedback
    > "GB" wrote:
    > > Yes.. If you put the call to "set" your variables in your ThisWorkbook
    > > section when opening the document, then the variables should be set.
    > > However, I think that I have seen instances where the values get "corrupted"
    > > or lost. I typically use a module that contains a series of functions that
    > > return the value I want "globally" set. I did this after I ran into a
    > > problem of Excel not being able to maintain a global list of variables on the
    > > order of 30 or something.. Or if the program errored, then the variable
    > > values were lost. That way I had everything I needed stored in one place,
    > > and I could put my eyes on the value if I needed to review it, and not hunt
    > > down where I had implemented my global value(s).
    > >
    > >
    > > "clmarquez" wrote:
    > >
    > > >
    > > > Thanks guys. I understand now. I just thought that if these were going
    > > > to be set to the same thing, that I could somehow "globally" set them,
    > > > and not worry about having to re-set them in each individual macro.
    > > >
    > > > Instead of setting them in each individual macro, could they somehow be
    > > > "globally" set once somewhere else outside of public declarations?
    > > > Maybe in Workbook or something? Or, do you advise against it?
    > > >
    > > >
    > > > --
    > > > clmarquez
    > > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > > > clmarquez's Profile: http://www.excelforum.com/member.php...o&userid=29386
    > > > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=501145
    > > >
    > > >

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