Hello. I have a question I hope someone could help me with. I'm not a programmer but I know a little to navigate to enter code and such if need be.

So my situation is this.

I have a program that when I run a report I can either print a hard copy and fax it manually or save the report as a Txt file. If I use the Txt file I have to go into excel and save it as an xls file so I can then e-mail it and the recipient can sort and do what ever with it.

The report can consist of one location per report or multiple locations with various information. It could range from 1 page to 50 or more pages. The location is the only value that is unique to each location. As of now if I save the txt file with say 20 locations and open it in excel it puts everything on one worksheet and the only way to separate them is finding when the next new location comes up as a break.

So my question is this. Is there a way once I save the txt file to open excel run a macro that would open it up into one sheet then find the breaks by every new location and create new workbooks with just that info on it and save it to a particular dir on the HD with the file being the name of the location. Then I could go into Outlook and then go to that folder and attach that file to the e-mail and send it off?

Is this possible?

If anything needs clarified please ask?

Thanks for your help.
