Hi All,

first post here, playing around in VBA, and I have the following question. Well, I'll first explain the situation:

Sheet2: Database with range of cells
Userform1: contains Textbox1 in which user can enter data to be added to database on Sheet2
Textbox1: when data is added, this is first checked against the database for identical entries, if not, then data is added to database and userform is closed.

OK, so, here is my question:
I use the following code to select the cell in which the data is to be added on Sheet2:

Worksheets("Sheet2").Range("B3").End(xlDown).Offset(1, 0).Select

Problem is that this only works when Sheet2 is activated. When I open the userform while Sheet1 is active, this gives me the error: "Run-time error '1004': Select method of Range class failed" I want Sheet2 to stay hidden, because it's kinda not-very-pretty. (Btw, what is the code to hide the worksheet when the file is opened?)

So, in sum, how can I use the userform without necessarily having to activate the worksheet containing the database?

And an awesome-mega-giant thanks for all the threads I have already been able to use !!!



(P.S.: sorry for the sloppy title of the thread... )