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Open an Excel file to a specific spreadsheet

  1. #1

    Open an Excel file to a specific spreadsheet

    On a certain slide of a PowerPoint presentation, I want the user to be
    able to click on a link that will open an Excel file in the same
    directory. That's no problem.

    However, I want the link to be able to specify which Sheet in the Excel
    file is brought to focus on open, so that in one link File A opens to
    Sheet 1, but when they click another link File A opens to Sheet2.

    Is this possible?

    Thanks for any help whatsoever :-)

  2. #2
    Tom Ogilvy

    Re: Open an Excel file to a specific spreadsheet

    It would be easiest to make separate files.

    Tom Ogilvy

    "Fatmosh" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    > On a certain slide of a PowerPoint presentation, I want the user to be
    > able to click on a link that will open an Excel file in the same
    > directory. That's no problem.
    > However, I want the link to be able to specify which Sheet in the Excel
    > file is brought to focus on open, so that in one link File A opens to
    > Sheet 1, but when they click another link File A opens to Sheet2.
    > Is this possible?
    > Thanks for any help whatsoever :-)

  3. #3

    Re: Open an Excel file to a specific spreadsheet

    Ideally, yes, I would do that. But if I am unable to create new Excel

  4. #4

    Re: Open an Excel file to a specific spreadsheet

    I found that the syntax is to put

    #[SheetName]![Cell] after the link, so...


    However, I don't think this works if you have either spaces or
    parenthesis in the title of the sheet (which I have both).

    Anyone know how to make this work?

  5. #5
    Tom Ogilvy

    Re: Open an Excel file to a specific spreadsheet

    Your talking about a hyperlink now. I thought you were talking about an
    embedded object.

    Insert the hyperlink and browse to the location. I would think this
    "wizard" would get it correct.
    Tom Ogilvy

    "Fatmosh" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    > I found that the syntax is to put
    > #[SheetName]![Cell] after the link, so...
    > File.xls#Sheet2!A1
    > However, I don't think this works if you have either spaces or
    > parenthesis in the title of the sheet (which I have both).
    > Anyone know how to make this work?

  6. #6

    Re: Open an Excel file to a specific spreadsheet

    Well, it is a hyperlink, but it has some "extra" information at the end
    to tell it which sheet of the Excel file to open (otherwise it just
    opens to whichever was in-focus at the last save).

    Like I said, I can get it to work when the sheet name does not have
    spaces or parenthesis. However, when it does I get a "Reference is not
    valid" error after the sheet opens.

    (P.S. I tried replacing the space and parenthesis with %20, %28, and
    %29, respectively. Still didn't work.)

  7. #7

    Re: Open an Excel file to a specific spreadsheet

    Looks like a buddy of mine found the solution: Just put single quotes
    around the sheet name.

    So instead of:



    #'[SheetName]'![Cell] or

    #'Sheet with spaces (and parens)'!A1

    Thanks for your help Tom :-)

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