I'm trying to write code to round the value of cell b45 on the Output
worksheet to the number of digits specified on the Input worksheet.

RoundingValue is defined as an integer elsewhere (in a worksheet change

Sub RoundingOptions()

If Sheets("Input").Cells(35, 4).Value = "Hundred Dollars" Then
RoundingValue = -2
If Sheets("Input").Cells(35, 4).Value = "Thousand Dollars" Then
RoundingValue = -3
If Sheets("Input").Cells(35, 4).Value = "Million Dollars"
RoundingValue = -6
Else: RoundingValue = 0
End If
End If
End If

Sheets("Output").Cells(45, 3).Value =
2).Value, RoundingValue)

End Sub

The code above always puts a zero value in cell c43. I've checked the
value of both cell b43 and RoundingValue before executing that portion
of the code, and the values are correct... so there is a problem with
the way that I'm trying to place the new rounded value in cell c43.

Any suggestions would be appreciated!