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Need help with VBA Macro

  1. #1
    Brett Smith

    Need help with VBA Macro

    I am programming a VBA Macro and it is giving me HELL! I basically am
    checking through each record and formatting the text in a certain way. The
    text is being exported into a text file and saved in the same directory as
    the excel spreadsheet. I used select statements to check through each
    record. Each field has a text string before displaying the record. When the
    field is null, the text string shouldn't even show up on the text file. But,
    my problem is it still displays the text string within the text file. How do
    I not display the text string for each field when it is a null field?

  2. #2
    Tim Williams

    Re: Need help with VBA Macro

    If you post your current code (or at least the gist of it) then someone
    might suggest a simple change. Otherwise we have to figure out exactly what
    you're doing to the point where we can write a full procedure - not so

    The best I can offer is to suggest testing for null fileds and in those
    cases not writing the record to the file....


    "Brett Smith" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    >I am programming a VBA Macro and it is giving me HELL! I basically am
    > checking through each record and formatting the text in a certain way.
    > The
    > text is being exported into a text file and saved in the same directory as
    > the excel spreadsheet. I used select statements to check through each
    > record. Each field has a text string before displaying the record. When
    > the
    > field is null, the text string shouldn't even show up on the text file.
    > But,
    > my problem is it still displays the text string within the text file. How
    > do
    > I not display the text string for each field when it is a null field?

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