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  1. #1
    David R. Duggan


    I want to use the value in a named range to determine the action to take
    when clicking on a command button.

    The spreadsheet has range called "Location" based on a the location (city)
    of the sales rep. When clicking on a command button, how can the button
    direct the individual based on this value?

    Something like:??

    If Range("Location").Value = "Loc1" then
    do this
    do this
    End If


  2. #2
    Bob Phillips

    Re: If...then

    I would use Select Case

    Select Case Range("Location").Value
    Case "Loc1"
    'do loc1
    Case "Loc2"
    'do loc2
    Case Else
    'do else
    End Select



    Bob Phillips

    (remove nothere from the email address if mailing direct)

    "David R. Duggan" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:ZwQGf.4820$J%[email protected]...
    > I want to use the value in a named range to determine the action to take
    > when clicking on a command button.
    > The spreadsheet has range called "Location" based on a the location (city)
    > of the sales rep. When clicking on a command button, how can the button
    > direct the individual based on this value?
    > Something like:??
    > If Range("Location").Value = "Loc1" then
    > do this
    > Else
    > do this
    > End If
    > DRD

  3. #3
    Jim Thomlinson

    RE: If...then

    Probably better off with a select case statement something like this...

    select case range("Location").value
    case "Here"
    case "There"
    case "EveryWhere"
    case else
    msgbox "No such place"
    End Select


    Jim Thomlinson

    "David R. Duggan" wrote:

    > I want to use the value in a named range to determine the action to take
    > when clicking on a command button.
    > The spreadsheet has range called "Location" based on a the location (city)
    > of the sales rep. When clicking on a command button, how can the button
    > direct the individual based on this value?
    > Something like:??
    > If Range("Location").Value = "Loc1" then
    > do this
    > Else
    > do this
    > End If
    > DRD

  4. #4
    David R. Duggan

    Re: If...then

    That worked good. Thanks


    "Bob Phillips" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    >I would use Select Case
    > Select Case Range("Location").Value
    > Case "Loc1"
    > 'do loc1
    > Case "Loc2"
    > 'do loc2
    > Case Else
    > 'do else
    > End Select
    > --
    > HTH
    > Bob Phillips
    > (remove nothere from the email address if mailing direct)
    > "David R. Duggan" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    > news:ZwQGf.4820$J%[email protected]...
    >> I want to use the value in a named range to determine the action to take
    >> when clicking on a command button.
    >> The spreadsheet has range called "Location" based on a the location
    >> (city)
    >> of the sales rep. When clicking on a command button, how can the button
    >> direct the individual based on this value?
    >> Something like:??
    >> If Range("Location").Value = "Loc1" then
    >> do this
    >> Else
    >> do this
    >> End If
    >> DRD


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